
To use the maven-enforcer-extension, you must register the extension and configuration.

Maven Extension

You have 2 ways to use Maven extensions within your builds:

  • add maven-enforcer-extension-3.5.0.jar in ${maven.home}/lib/ext (no extra dependencies required),

  • (since Maven 3.3.1) configure your extension in .mvn/extensions.xml.

There is actually a third way: add the extension to the pom.xml, but in that case it makes more sense to use the maven-enforcer-plugin instead.

Enforcer Extension

The .mvn/enforcer-extension.xml in the root of your Maven project is where you define your rules. It's content is similar to an execution-block of the maven-enforcer-plugin

      <id/> <!-- default: default-extension -->
      <phase/> <!-- default: validate -->
      <configuration> <!-- see Plugin Configuration -->