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1   package org.apache.maven.struts;
3   /* ====================================================================
4    *   Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
5    *
6    *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7    *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8    *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   *   limitations under the License.
17   * ====================================================================
18   */
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import java.util.ArrayList;
24  import java.util.Iterator;
25  import java.util.List;
26  import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
28  import org.apache.maven.j2ee.WarFile;
30  import org.dom4j.Document;
31  import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
32  import org.dom4j.Element;
33  import;
35  /**
36   * Encapsulates a Struts 1.0 War File. Holds functionality to access Struts
37   * specific resources and data in the war.
38   * @author  dion
39   * @version $Id: 170200 2005-05-15 06:24:19Z brett $
40   */
41  public class Struts10WarFile extends WarFile
42  {
43      /** Default location of Struts configuration file in the war */
44      public static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG = "WEB-INF/struts-config.xml";
45      /** property for the location of the Struts configuration file in the war */
46      private String config = Struts10WarFile.DEFAULT_CONFIG;
47      /** Default name of the action servlet in web.xml */
48      public static final String DEFAULT_ACTIONSERVLET_NAME = "action";
49      /** name of the action servlet in web.xml */
50      private String actionServletName = 
51          Struts10WarFile.DEFAULT_ACTIONSERVLET_NAME;
53      /** 
54       * Creates a new instance of Struts10WarFile
55       * @param name the {@link File file} name of a war file containing a Struts
56       * web application
57       * @throws IOException when an I/O error occurs
58       */
59      public Struts10WarFile(String name) throws IOException
60      {
61          super(name);
62      }
64      /** 
65       * Creates a new instance of Struts10WarFile
66       * @param name the {@link File file} name of a war file containing a Struts
67       * web application
68       * @param verify whether or not to verify the war file if it is signed
69       * @throws IOException when an I/O error occurs     */
70      public Struts10WarFile(String name, boolean verify) throws IOException
71      {
72          super(name, verify);
73      }
75      /** 
76       * Creates a new instance of Struts10WarFile
77       * @param warFile a J2EE .war {@link File file} containing a Struts web
78       * application
79       * @throws IOException when an I/O error occurs
80       */
81      public Struts10WarFile(File warFile) throws IOException
82      {
83          super(warFile);
84      }
86      /** 
87       * Creates a new instance of Struts10WarFile
88       * @param warFile a J2EE .war {@link File file} containing a Struts web
89       * application
90       * @param verify whether or not to verify the war file if it is signed
91       * @throws IOException when an I/O error occurs
92       */
93      public Struts10WarFile(File warFile, boolean verify) throws IOException
94      {
95          super(warFile, verify);
96      }
98      /** 
99       * Creates a new instance of Struts10WarFile
100      * @param warFile a J2EE .war {@link File file} containing a Struts web
101      * application
102      * @param verify whether or not to verify the war file if it is signed
103      * @param mode the mode in which the file is to be opened
104      * @throws IOException when an I/O error occurs
105      */
106     public Struts10WarFile(File warFile, boolean verify, int mode) 
107         throws IOException
108     {
109         super(warFile, verify, mode);
110     }
112     /** Provide the location of the Struts configuration file in the war.
113      * @return Value of property config.
114      */
115     public String getConfig()
116     {
117         return config;
118     }
120     /** Set the location of the Struts configuration file in the war.
121      * @param config New value of property config.
122      */
123     public void setConfig(String config)
124     {
125         this.config = config;
126     }
128     /**
129      * Retrieves the Struts configuration (as specified by the config property)
130      * entry if it exists.
131      * @return a {@link JarEntry} for Struts config
132      */
133     public JarEntry getStrutsConfigEntry()
134     {
135         return getJarEntry(getConfig());
136     }
138    /** Get the Struts configuration back as a dom4j Document, for easier 
139      * processing
140      * @return a {@link Document} representing the web.xml
141      * @throws IOException if there are any issues reading the web.xml
142      * or producing the xml document
143      */
144     private Document getStrutsConfig() throws IOException
145     {
146         if (getStrutsConfigEntry() == null)
147         {
148             throw new IOException("Attempted to get non-existent config");
149         }
150         try 
151         {
152             SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader(false);
153             xmlReader.setEntityResolver(new StrutsEntityResolver());
154             InputStream configStream = getInputStream(getStrutsConfigEntry());
155             Document configXml =;
156             return configXml;
157         }
158         catch (DocumentException de)
159         {
160             de.printStackTrace();
161             throw new IOException(de.getMessage());
162         }
163     }
165     /** retrieves the form beans defined in the struts configuration file
166      * @return a collection of {@link FormBean form beans}
167      * @throws IOException when there are problems reading from the war
168      */
169     public List getFormBeans() throws IOException
170     {
171         List formBeans = new ArrayList();
172         Document config = getStrutsConfig();
173         List formBeanNodes = config.selectNodes(
174             "/struts-config/form-beans/form-bean");
175         Element formBeanNode = null;
176         FormBean formBean = null;
177         for (Iterator nodes = formBeanNodes.iterator(); nodes.hasNext();)
178         {
179             formBeanNode = (Element);
180             formBean = new FormBean();
181             formBean.setClassName(formBeanNode.attributeValue("className"));
182             formBean.setName(formBeanNode.attributeValue("name"));
183             formBean.setType(formBeanNode.attributeValue("type"));
184             formBeans.add(formBean);
185         }
187         return formBeans;
188     }
190     /** retrieve the actions defined in the struts configuration file
191      * @return a {@link List] of {@link Action actions}
192      * @throws IOException when there are problems reading from the war
193      */
194     public List getActions() throws IOException
195     {
196         List actions = new ArrayList();
197         Document config = getStrutsConfig();
198         List actionNodes = config.selectNodes(
199             "/struts-config/action-mappings/action");
200         Element actionNode = null;
201         Action action = null;
202         for (Iterator nodes = actionNodes.iterator(); nodes.hasNext();)
203         {
204             actionNode = (Element);
205             action = new Action();
206             action.setClassName(actionNode.attributeValue("className"));
207             action.setName(actionNode.attributeValue("name"));
208             action.setPath(actionNode.attributeValue("path"));
209             action.setScope(actionNode.attributeValue("scope"));
210             action.setType(actionNode.attributeValue("type"));
211             action.setUnknown(actionNode.attributeValue("unknown"));
212             action.setValidate(actionNode.attributeValue("validate"));
213             actions.add(action);
214         }
215         return actions;
216     }
218     /** retrieves the type attribute of the <form-beans> element if
219      * it exists, or null otherwise
220      * @return the form-bean type attribute
221      * @throws IOException when there are problems reading from the war
222      */
223     public String getFormBeansType() throws IOException
224     {
225         String type = null;
226         Element formBeans = (Element) getStrutsConfig().selectSingleNode(
227             "/struts-config/form-beans");
228         if (formBeans != null)
229         {
230             type = formBeans.attributeValue("type");
231         }
232         return type;
233     }
235     /** retrieves the type attribute of the <global-forwards> element if
236      * it exists, or null otherwise
237      * @return the global-forwards type attribute
238      * @throws IOException when there are problems reading from the war
239      */
240     public String getGlobalForwardsType() throws IOException
241     {
242         String type = null;
243         Element forwards = (Element) getStrutsConfig().selectSingleNode(
244             "/struts-config/global-forwards");
245         if (forwards != null)
246         {
247             type = forwards.attributeValue("type");
248         }
249         return type;
250     }
252     /** retrieve the global forwards defined in the struts configuration
253      * @return a {@link List} of {@link Forward forwards}
254      * @throws IOException when there are problems reading from the war
255      */
256     public List getForwards() throws IOException
257     {
258         List forwards = new ArrayList();
259         Document config = getStrutsConfig();
260         List nodes = config.selectNodes(
261             "/struts-config/global-forwards/forward");
262         Element element = null;
263         Forward forward = null;
264         for (int index = 0; index < nodes.size(); index++)
265         {
266             element = (Element) nodes.get(index);
267             forward = new Forward();
268             forward.setName(element.attributeValue("name"));
269             forward.setPath(element.attributeValue("path"));
270             if (element.attribute("className") != null)
271             {
272                 forward.setClassName(element.attributeValue("className"));
273             }
274             if (element.attribute("redirect") != null)
275             {
276                 forward.setRedirect(element.attributeValue("redirect"));
277             }
278             forwards.add(forward);
279         }
281         return forwards;
282     }
284     /** retrieve the url pattern for the action servlet, or null if not found
285      * @return the &lt;url-pattern&gt provided for the servlet named by
286      *      {@link #getActionServletName}
287      * @throws IOException when there are problems reading from the war
288      */
289     public String getActionServletPattern() throws IOException
290     {
291         return (String) getServletMappings().get(getActionServletName());
292     }
294     /** Getter for property actionServletName.
295      * @return Value of property actionServletName.
296      */
297     public String getActionServletName()
298     {
299         return actionServletName;
300     }
302     /** Setter for property actionServletName.
303      * @param actionServletName New value of property actionServletName.
304      */
305     public void setActionServletName(String actionServletName)
306     {
307         if (actionServletName == null) 
308         {
309             throw new NullPointerException("action servlet name can't be null");
310         }
311         this.actionServletName = actionServletName;
312     }
314  }