
Full name:



The JLink goal is intended to create a Java Run Time Image file based on https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/282, https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: runtime.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: package.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<addModules> List -

Usually this is not necessary, cause this is handled automatically by the given dependencies.

By using the --add-modules you can define the root modules to be resolved. The configuration in pom.xml file can look like this:

The command line equivalent for jlink is: --add-modules <mod>[,<mod>...].
<addOptions> List - These JVM arguments will be appended to the lib/modules file.
This parameter requires at least JDK 14.

The command line equivalent is: jlink --add-options="...".



Above example will result in jlink --add-options="-Xmx256m" --enable-preview -Dvar=value".

<bindServices> boolean - Add the option --bind-services or not.
Default value is: false.
<classifier> String - Classifier to add to the artifact generated. If given, the artifact will be attached as a supplemental artifact. If not given this will create the main artifact which is the default behavior. If you try to do that a second time without using a classifier the build will fail.
<compress> Integer - Here you can define the compression of the resources being used. The command line equivalent is: -c, --compress=level>. The valid values for the level are: 0, 1, 2.
<disablePlugin> String - You can disable a plugin by using this option. --disable-plugin pluginName.
<endian> String - The byte order of the generated Java Run Time image. --endian <little|big>. If the endian is not given the default is: native.
<ignoreSigningInformation> boolean - --ignore-signing-information
Default value is: false.
<includeLocales> List - Includes the list of locales where langtag is a BCP 47 language tag.

This option supports locale matching as defined in RFC 4647. Ensure that you add the module jdk.localedata when using this option.

The command line equivalent is: --include-locales=en,ja,*-IN.


<jdkToolchain> Map -

Specify the requirements for this jdk toolchain. This overrules the toolchain selected by the maven-toolchain-plugin.

note: requires at least Maven 3.3.1
<launcher> String - Should the plugin generate a launcher script by means of jlink? The command line equivalent is: --launcher <name>=<module>[/<mainclass>]. The valid values for the level are: <name>=<module>[/<mainclass>].
<limitModules> List - Limit the universe of observable modules. The following gives an example of the configuration which can be used in the pom.xml file.
This configuration is the equivalent of the command line option: --limit-modules <mod>[,<mod>...]
<modulePaths> List - Include additional paths on the --module-path option. Project dependencies and JDK modules are automatically added.
<noHeaderFiles> boolean - This will suppress to have an includes directory in the resulting Java Run Time Image. The JLink command line equivalent is: --no-header-files
Default value is: false.
<noManPages> boolean - This will suppress to have the man directory in the resulting Java Run Time Image. The JLink command line equivalent is: --no-man-pages
Default value is: false.
<pluginModulePath> String - Define the plugin module path to be used. There can be defined multiple entries separated by either ; or :. The jlink command line equivalent is: --plugin-module-path <modulepath>
<sourceJdkModules> File - Set the JDK location to create a Java custom runtime image.
<stripDebug> boolean - This is intended to strip debug information out. The command line equivalent of jlink is: -G, --strip-debug strip debug information.
Default value is: false.
<suggestProviders> List - Suggest providers that implement the given service types from the module path.
The jlink command linke equivalent: --suggest-providers [<name>,...]
<verbose> boolean - This will turn on verbose mode. The jlink command line equivalent is: --verbose
Default value is: false.

Parameter Details


Usually this is not necessary, cause this is handled automatically by the given dependencies.

By using the --add-modules you can define the root modules to be resolved. The configuration in pom.xml file can look like this:

The command line equivalent for jlink is: --add-modules <mod>[,<mod>...].
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


These JVM arguments will be appended to the lib/modules file.
This parameter requires at least JDK 14.

The command line equivalent is: jlink --add-options="...".



Above example will result in jlink --add-options="-Xmx256m" --enable-preview -Dvar=value".

  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


Add the option --bind-services or not.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Classifier to add to the artifact generated. If given, the artifact will be attached as a supplemental artifact. If not given this will create the main artifact which is the default behavior. If you try to do that a second time without using a classifier the build will fail.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Here you can define the compression of the resources being used. The command line equivalent is: -c, --compress=level>. The valid values for the level are: 0, 1, 2.
  • Type: java.lang.Integer
  • Required: No


You can disable a plugin by using this option. --disable-plugin pluginName.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


The byte order of the generated Java Run Time image. --endian <little|big>. If the endian is not given the default is: native.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Includes the list of locales where langtag is a BCP 47 language tag.

This option supports locale matching as defined in RFC 4647. Ensure that you add the module jdk.localedata when using this option.

The command line equivalent is: --include-locales=en,ja,*-IN.

  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


Specify the requirements for this jdk toolchain. This overrules the toolchain selected by the maven-toolchain-plugin.

note: requires at least Maven 3.3.1
  • Type: java.util.Map
  • Required: No


Should the plugin generate a launcher script by means of jlink? The command line equivalent is: --launcher <name>=<module>[/<mainclass>]. The valid values for the level are: <name>=<module>[/<mainclass>].
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Limit the universe of observable modules. The following gives an example of the configuration which can be used in the pom.xml file.
This configuration is the equivalent of the command line option: --limit-modules <mod>[,<mod>...]
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


Include additional paths on the --module-path option. Project dependencies and JDK modules are automatically added.
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


This will suppress to have an includes directory in the resulting Java Run Time Image. The JLink command line equivalent is: --no-header-files
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


This will suppress to have the man directory in the resulting Java Run Time Image. The JLink command line equivalent is: --no-man-pages
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Define the plugin module path to be used. There can be defined multiple entries separated by either ; or :. The jlink command line equivalent is: --plugin-module-path <modulepath>
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Set the JDK location to create a Java custom runtime image.
  • Type: java.io.File
  • Required: No


This is intended to strip debug information out. The command line equivalent of jlink is: -G, --strip-debug strip debug information.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Suggest providers that implement the given service types from the module path.
The jlink command linke equivalent: --suggest-providers [<name>,...]
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


This will turn on verbose mode. The jlink command line equivalent is: --verbose
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false