Class Os

  • public class Os
    extends Object
    OS support
    • Field Detail

      • OS_NAME

        public static final String OS_NAME
        The OS Name.
      • OS_ARCH

        public static final String OS_ARCH
        The OA architecture.
      • OS_VERSION

        public static final String OS_VERSION
        The OS version.
      • OS_FAMILY

        public static final String OS_FAMILY
        OS Family
      • IS_WINDOWS

        public static final boolean IS_WINDOWS
        Boolean indicating if the running OS is a Windows system.
    • Method Detail

      • isFamily

        public static boolean isFamily​(String family)
        Determines if the OS on which Maven is executing matches the given OS family.
        family - the family to check for
        true if the OS matches
      • isFamily

        public static boolean isFamily​(String family,
                                       String actualOsName)
        Determines if the OS on which Maven is executing matches the given OS family derived from the given OS name
        family - the family to check for
        actualOsName - the OS name to check against
        true if the OS matches