Class DefaultMetadata

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class DefaultMetadata
    extends AbstractMetadata
    A basic metadata instance. Note: Instances of this class are immutable and the exposed mutators return new objects rather than changing the current instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultMetadata

        public DefaultMetadata​(String type,
                               Metadata.Nature nature)
        Creates a new metadata for the repository root with the specific type and nature.
        type - The type of the metadata, e.g. "maven-metadata.xml", may be null.
        nature - The nature of the metadata, must not be null.
      • DefaultMetadata

        public DefaultMetadata​(String groupId,
                               String type,
                               Metadata.Nature nature)
        Creates a new metadata for the groupId level with the specific type and nature.
        groupId - The group identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        type - The type of the metadata, e.g. "maven-metadata.xml", may be null.
        nature - The nature of the metadata, must not be null.
      • DefaultMetadata

        public DefaultMetadata​(String groupId,
                               String artifactId,
                               String type,
                               Metadata.Nature nature)
        Creates a new metadata for the groupId:artifactId level with the specific type and nature.
        groupId - The group identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        artifactId - The artifact identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        type - The type of the metadata, e.g. "maven-metadata.xml", may be null.
        nature - The nature of the metadata, must not be null.
      • DefaultMetadata

        public DefaultMetadata​(String groupId,
                               String artifactId,
                               String version,
                               String type,
                               Metadata.Nature nature)
        Creates a new metadata for the groupId:artifactId:version level with the specific type and nature.
        groupId - The group identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        artifactId - The artifact identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        version - The version to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        type - The type of the metadata, e.g. "maven-metadata.xml", may be null.
        nature - The nature of the metadata, must not be null.
      • DefaultMetadata

        public DefaultMetadata​(String groupId,
                               String artifactId,
                               String version,
                               String type,
                               Metadata.Nature nature,
                               File file)
        Creates a new metadata for the groupId:artifactId:version level with the specific type and nature.
        groupId - The group identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        artifactId - The artifact identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        version - The version to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        type - The type of the metadata, e.g. "maven-metadata.xml", may be null.
        nature - The nature of the metadata, must not be null.
        file - The resolved file of the metadata, may be null.
      • DefaultMetadata

        public DefaultMetadata​(String groupId,
                               String artifactId,
                               String version,
                               String type,
                               Metadata.Nature nature,
                               Map<String,​String> properties,
                               File file)
        Creates a new metadata for the groupId:artifactId:version level with the specific type and nature.
        groupId - The group identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        artifactId - The artifact identifier to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        version - The version to which this metadata applies, may be null.
        type - The type of the metadata, e.g. "maven-metadata.xml", may be null.
        nature - The nature of the metadata, must not be null.
        properties - The properties of the metadata, may be null if none.
        file - The resolved file of the metadata, may be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getGroupId

        public String getGroupId()
        Description copied from interface: Metadata
        Gets the group identifier of this metadata.
        The group identifier or an empty string if the metadata applies to the entire repository, never null.
      • getArtifactId

        public String getArtifactId()
        Description copied from interface: Metadata
        Gets the artifact identifier of this metadata.
        The artifact identifier or an empty string if the metadata applies to the groupId level only, never null.
      • getVersion

        public String getVersion()
        Description copied from interface: Metadata
        Gets the version of this metadata.
        The version or an empty string if the metadata applies to the groupId:artifactId level only, never null.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Description copied from interface: Metadata
        Gets the type of the metadata, e.g. "maven-metadata.xml".
        The type of the metadata, never null.
      • getNature

        public Metadata.Nature getNature()
        Description copied from interface: Metadata
        Gets the nature of this metadata. The nature indicates to what artifact versions the metadata refers.
        The nature, never null.
      • getFile

        public File getFile()
        Description copied from interface: Metadata
        Gets the file of this metadata. Note that only resolved metadata has a file associated with it.
        The file or null if none.
      • getProperties

        public Map<String,​StringgetProperties()
        Description copied from interface: Metadata
        Gets the properties of this metadata.
        The (read-only) properties, never null.