Interface ArtifactDescriptorPolicy

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int IGNORE_ERRORS
      Bit mask indicating that all errors should be silently ignored.
      static int IGNORE_INVALID
      Bit flag indicating that existent but invalid artifact descriptors should be silently ignored.
      static int IGNORE_MISSING
      Bit flag indicating that missing artifact descriptors should be silently ignored.
      static int STRICT
      Bit mask indicating that errors while reading the artifact descriptor should not be tolerated.
    • Method Detail

      • getPolicy

        int getPolicy​(RepositorySystemSession session,
                      ArtifactDescriptorPolicyRequest request)
        Gets the error policy for an artifact's descriptor.
        session - The repository session during which the policy is determined, must not be null.
        request - The policy request holding further details, must not be null.
        The bit mask describing the desired error policy.