Deploying With Network Issues

Sometimes, network quality from building machine to the remote repository is not perfect. Of course, improving the network would be the best solution, but it is not always possible.

There are a few strategies to work around the network issue.

Configuring Multiple Tries

Deploy plugin provides retryFailedDeploymentCount parameter to retry deployment multiple times before giving up and returning a failure for the deploy goal:


Deploying to a Local Staging Directory

When the network is really not consistent, a deeper strategy is to deploy in 2 steps:

1. deploy to a local directory during the build, for example file:./target/staging-deploy,

2. then copy from the local area to the target remote repository, retrying as much as necessary.

Deploying to a Local Directory

Deploying to a local directory can be done from command line, without changing POM, using altDeploymentRepository parameter:

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=local::file:./target/staging-deploy

or for older 2.x version of maven-deploy-plugin

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=local::default::file:./target/staging-deploy

Of course, you can configure the repository in your pom.xml if you want to go from a temporary strategy to the general strategy.

Copying from Local Directory to Target Remote Repository

wagon-maven-plugin's merge-maven-repos goal provides a mechanism to copy from one remote repository to the other, while merging repository metadata.

wagon-maven-plugin's upload goal will do the same without taking care of repository metadata: use it if you have an empty repository as target, like a staging repository provided by a repository manager.

It can be invoked fully from command line (renaming -Dwagon. with wagon.targetId when Wagon Maven Plugin 2.0.1 will be released):

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:2.0.0:merge-maven-repos \
  -Dwagon.source=file:./target/staging-deploy \ \
# or once wagon-maven-plugin 2.0.1 is released:

or more simply with mvn wagon:merge-maven-repos with configuration in pom.xml:
