Invoker Report

The results of the Maven invocations.


Builds Success Failures Skipped Success Rate Total Time Avg Time
32 31 0 1 100.0% 242.0 s 7.6 s

Build Details

Name Result Time Message
check-fail\pom.xml success 11.0 s
check-pass\pom.xml success 7.8 s
check-tests-only\pom.xml success 5.3 s
checkstyle-goal\pom.xml success 6.8 s
checkstyle-report\pom.xml success 10.1 s
inlinerules\pom.xml success 6.4 s
MCHECKSTYLE-129\pom.xml success 14.3 s
MCHECKSTYLE-131\pom.xml success 5.5 s
MCHECKSTYLE-137\pom.xml success 6.0 s
MCHECKSTYLE-169\pom.xml success 6.2 s
MCHECKSTYLE-172\pom.xml success 8.4 s
MCHECKSTYLE-173-with-charset\pom.xml success 9.7 s
MCHECKSTYLE-173-without-charset\pom.xml success 9.3 s
MCHECKSTYLE-193\pom.xml success 5.9 s
MCHECKSTYLE-214-basedir-resource\pom.xml success 5.3 s
MCHECKSTYLE-219-no-license_failure\pom.xml success 5.8 s
MCHECKSTYLE-219-no-license_success\pom.xml success 6.6 s
MCHECKSTYLE-222-no-resources\pom.xml success 4.3 s
MCHECKSTYLE-222-resources\pom.xml success 6.1 s
MCHECKSTYLE-222-testResources\pom.xml success 6.0 s
MCHECKSTYLE-224\pom.xml success 9.6 s
MCHECKSTYLE-225-customHeader\pom.xml success 7.2 s
MCHECKSTYLE-225-LICENSE.txt\pom.xml success 7.1 s
MCHECKSTYLE-225-pluginManagement\pom.xml success 7.0 s
MCHECKSTYLE-253-jdk8\pom.xml skipped 0.0 s Skipped due to JRE version
MCHECKSTYLE-268\pom.xml success 7.9 s
MCHECKSTYLE-295\pom.xml success 5.9 s
MCHECKSTYLE-70-multi-sourcefolder\pom.xml success 8.5 s
minimal-pom\pom.xml success 10.5 s
multi-modules-aggregate\pom.xml success 11.5 s
multi-modules\pom.xml success 9.3 s
multimoduleproject\pom.xml success 10.7 s