Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors


FileLength0Errors Error
  • headerFile: "target/checkstyle-header.txt"
0Errors Error
  • eachLine: "true"
0Errors Error
  • option: "nl"
0Errors Error
  • option: "alone"
0Errors Error
  • max: "120"
  • ignorePattern: "@version|@see|@todo|TODO"
8Errors Error
MemberName0Errors Error
  • scope: "protected"
39Warnings Warning
  • allowUnknownTags: "true"
  • scope: "protected"
0Errors Error
  • scope: "protected"
0Infos Info
ConstantName0Errors Error
LocalFinalVariableName0Errors Error
LocalVariableName0Errors Error
MethodName0Errors Error
PackageName0Errors Error
ParameterName0Errors Error
StaticVariableName0Errors Error
TypeName0Errors Error
AvoidStarImport0Errors Error
IllegalImport0Errors Error
RedundantImport0Errors Error
UnusedImports0Errors Error
MethodLength1Errors Error
ParameterNumber0Errors Error
  • option: "space"
0Errors Error
OperatorWrap0Errors Error
  • option: "space"
48Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter0Errors Error
WhitespaceAround0Errors Error
ModifierOrder0Errors Error
RedundantModifier0Errors Error
AvoidNestedBlocks0Errors Error
  • option: "text"
0Errors Error
NeedBraces0Errors Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0Errors Error
EmptyStatement0Errors Error
EqualsHashCode0Errors Error
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
1Warnings Warning
IllegalInstantiation0Errors Error
InnerAssignment0Errors Error
  • ignoreNumbers: "-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512, 1000, 1024"
0Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault0Errors Error
RedundantThrows0Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression0Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Errors Error
InterfaceIsType0Errors Error
  • packageAllowed: "true"
  • protectedAllowed: "true"
0Errors Error
UpperEll0Errors Error



WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.37


Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.84
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.84
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.90
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.96
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.96
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.108
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.108
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.114
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.114
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.120
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.120
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.126
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.126
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.134
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.134
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.141
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.141
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.148
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.148
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.154
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.154
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.161
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.161
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.170
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.170
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.179
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.185
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.260
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.261
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.288
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.288
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.304
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.304
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.310
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.310
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.330
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.337
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.337
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.343
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.343
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.352
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.352
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.358
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.358
Errors'(' is not followed by whitespace.382
Errors')' is not preceded with whitespace.382
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.385
Warnings'staleMillis' hides a field.385
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.387
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.389
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.391
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.393
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.395
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.397
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.399
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.401
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.403
ErrorsMethod length is 466 lines (max allowed is 150).405
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.405
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.489
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.517
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.610
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.613
ErrorsLine is longer than 120 characters.648
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.874
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.985


WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
WarningsExpected @param tag for 'messages'.64


WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.116
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.137
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.157
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.181
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.186
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.191
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.196
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.201


WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.143
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.171
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.191
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.215
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.225
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.230
WarningsMissing a Javadoc comment.235