Package org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model

package org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model
  • Classes
    An assembly defines a collection of files usually distributed in an archive format such as zip, tar, or tar.gz that is generated from a project.
    Describes the component layout and packaging.
    Configures a filter for files headed into the assembly archive, to enable aggregation of various types of descriptor fragments, such as components.xml, web.xml, etc.
    A dependencySet allows inclusion and exclusion of project dependencies in the assembly.
    A file allows individual file inclusion with the option to change the destination filename not supported by fileSets.
    A fileSet allows the inclusion of groups of files into the assembly.
    Contains configuration options for including the binary files of a project module in an assembly.
    A moduleSet represent one or more project <module> present inside a project's pom.xml.
    Contains configuration options for including the source files of a project module in an assembly.
    Specifies options for including/excluding/filtering items extracted from an archive.