001    package org.apache.maven.lifecycle;
003    /*
004     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
005     * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
006     * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
008     * copy of the License at
009     *
010     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
013     * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
014     * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
015     * the License.
016     */
018    import java.io.File;
019    import java.util.ArrayList;
020    import java.util.Arrays;
021    import java.util.List;
023    import org.apache.maven.AbstractCoreMavenComponentTestCase;
024    import org.apache.maven.exception.ExceptionHandler;
025    import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
026    import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.DefaultLifecycleTaskSegmentCalculator;
027    import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.ExecutionPlanItem;
028    import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleExecutionPlanCalculator;
029    import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleTask;
030    import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleTaskSegmentCalculator;
031    import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoDescriptorCreator;
032    import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.TaskSegment;
033    import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
034    import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution;
035    import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoNotFoundException;
036    import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor;
037    import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
038    import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
040    public class LifecycleExecutorTest
041        extends AbstractCoreMavenComponentTestCase
042    {
043        @Requirement
044        private DefaultLifecycleExecutor lifecycleExecutor;
046        @Requirement
047        private DefaultLifecycleTaskSegmentCalculator lifeCycleTaskSegmentCalculator;
049        @Requirement
050        private LifecycleExecutionPlanCalculator lifeCycleExecutionPlanCalculator;
052        @Requirement
053        private MojoDescriptorCreator mojoDescriptorCreator;
056        protected void setUp()
057            throws Exception
058        {
059            super.setUp();
060            lifecycleExecutor = (DefaultLifecycleExecutor) lookup( LifecycleExecutor.class );
061            lifeCycleTaskSegmentCalculator =
062                (DefaultLifecycleTaskSegmentCalculator) lookup( LifecycleTaskSegmentCalculator.class );
063            lifeCycleExecutionPlanCalculator = lookup( LifecycleExecutionPlanCalculator.class );
064            mojoDescriptorCreator = lookup( MojoDescriptorCreator.class );
065            lookup( ExceptionHandler.class );
066        }
068        @Override
069        protected void tearDown()
070            throws Exception
071        {
072            lifecycleExecutor = null;
073            super.tearDown();
074        }
076        protected String getProjectsDirectory()
077        {
078            return "src/test/projects/lifecycle-executor";
079        }
081        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
082        // Tests which exercise the lifecycle executor when it is dealing with default lifecycle phases.
083        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
085        public void testCalculationOfBuildPlanWithIndividualTaskWherePluginIsSpecifiedInThePom()
086            throws Exception
087        {
088            // We are doing something like "mvn resources:resources" where no version is specified but this
089            // project we are working on has the version specified in the POM so the version should come from there.
090            File pom = getProject( "project-basic" );
091            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
092            assertEquals( "project-basic", session.getCurrentProject().getArtifactId() );
093            assertEquals( "1.0", session.getCurrentProject().getVersion() );
094            List<MojoExecution> executionPlan = getExecutions( calculateExecutionPlan( session, "resources:resources" ) );
095            assertEquals( 1, executionPlan.size() );
096            MojoExecution mojoExecution = executionPlan.get( 0 );
097            assertNotNull( mojoExecution );
098            assertEquals( "org.apache.maven.plugins",
099                          mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getGroupId() );
100            assertEquals( "maven-resources-plugin",
101                          mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getArtifactId() );
102            assertEquals( "0.1", mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getVersion() );
103        }
105        public void testCalculationOfBuildPlanWithIndividualTaskOfTheCleanLifecycle()
106            throws Exception
107        {
108            // We are doing something like "mvn clean:clean" where no version is specified but this
109            // project we are working on has the version specified in the POM so the version should come from there.
110            File pom = getProject( "project-basic" );
111            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
112            assertEquals( "project-basic", session.getCurrentProject().getArtifactId() );
113            assertEquals( "1.0", session.getCurrentProject().getVersion() );
114            List<MojoExecution> executionPlan = getExecutions( calculateExecutionPlan( session, "clean" ) );
115            assertEquals( 1, executionPlan.size() );
116            MojoExecution mojoExecution = executionPlan.get( 0 );
117            assertNotNull( mojoExecution );
118            assertEquals( "org.apache.maven.plugins",
119                          mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getGroupId() );
120            assertEquals( "maven-clean-plugin", mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getArtifactId() );
121            assertEquals( "0.1", mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getVersion() );
122        }
124        public void testCalculationOfBuildPlanWithIndividualTaskOfTheCleanCleanGoal()
125            throws Exception
126        {
127            // We are doing something like "mvn clean:clean" where no version is specified but this
128            // project we are working on has the version specified in the POM so the version should come from there.
129            File pom = getProject( "project-basic" );
130            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
131            assertEquals( "project-basic", session.getCurrentProject().getArtifactId() );
132            assertEquals( "1.0", session.getCurrentProject().getVersion() );
133            List<MojoExecution> executionPlan = getExecutions( calculateExecutionPlan( session, "clean:clean" ) );
134            assertEquals( 1, executionPlan.size() );
135            MojoExecution mojoExecution = executionPlan.get( 0 );
136            assertNotNull( mojoExecution );
137            assertEquals( "org.apache.maven.plugins",
138                          mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getGroupId() );
139            assertEquals( "maven-clean-plugin", mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getArtifactId() );
140            assertEquals( "0.1", mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor().getVersion() );
141        }
143        List<MojoExecution> getExecutions( MavenExecutionPlan mavenExecutionPlan )
144        {
145            List<MojoExecution> result = new ArrayList<MojoExecution>();
146            for ( ExecutionPlanItem executionPlanItem : mavenExecutionPlan )
147            {
148                result.add( executionPlanItem.getMojoExecution() );
149            }
150            return result;
151        }
153        // We need to take in multiple lifecycles
154        public void testCalculationOfBuildPlanTasksOfTheCleanLifecycleAndTheInstallLifecycle()
155            throws Exception
156        {
157            File pom = getProject( "project-with-additional-lifecycle-elements" );
158            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
159            assertEquals( "project-with-additional-lifecycle-elements", session.getCurrentProject().getArtifactId() );
160            assertEquals( "1.0", session.getCurrentProject().getVersion() );
161            List<MojoExecution> executionPlan = getExecutions( calculateExecutionPlan( session, "clean", "install" ) );
163            //[01] clean:clean
164            //[02] resources:resources
165            //[03] compiler:compile
166            //[04] it:generate-metadata
167            //[05] resources:testResources
168            //[06] compiler:testCompile
169            //[07] it:generate-test-metadata
170            //[08] surefire:test
171            //[09] jar:jar
172            //[10] install:install
173            //
174            assertEquals( 10, executionPlan.size() );
176            assertEquals( "clean:clean", executionPlan.get( 0 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
177            assertEquals( "resources:resources", executionPlan.get( 1 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
178            assertEquals( "compiler:compile", executionPlan.get( 2 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
179            assertEquals( "it:generate-metadata", executionPlan.get( 3 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
180            assertEquals( "resources:testResources", executionPlan.get( 4 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
181            assertEquals( "compiler:testCompile", executionPlan.get( 5 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
182            assertEquals( "it:generate-test-metadata", executionPlan.get( 6 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
183            assertEquals( "surefire:test", executionPlan.get( 7 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
184            assertEquals( "jar:jar", executionPlan.get( 8 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
185            assertEquals( "install:install", executionPlan.get( 9 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
186        }
188        // We need to take in multiple lifecycles
189        public void testCalculationOfBuildPlanWithMultipleExecutionsOfModello()
190            throws Exception
191        {
192            File pom = getProject( "project-with-multiple-executions" );
193            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
194            assertEquals( "project-with-multiple-executions", session.getCurrentProject().getArtifactId() );
195            assertEquals( "1.0.1", session.getCurrentProject().getVersion() );
197            MavenExecutionPlan plan = calculateExecutionPlan( session, "clean", "install" );
199            List<MojoExecution> executions = getExecutions( plan );
201            //[01] clean:clean
202            //[02] modello:xpp3-writer
203            //[03] modello:java
204            //[04] modello:xpp3-reader
205            //[05] modello:xpp3-writer
206            //[06] modello:java
207            //[07] modello:xpp3-reader
208            //[08] plugin:descriptor        
209            //[09] resources:resources
210            //[10] compiler:compile
211            //[11] resources:testResources
212            //[12] compiler:testCompile
213            //[13] surefire:test
214            //[14] jar:jar
215            //[15] plugin:addPluginArtifactMetadata        
216            //[16] install:install
217            //
219            assertEquals( 16, executions.size() );
221            assertEquals( "clean:clean", executions.get( 0 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
222            assertEquals( "it:xpp3-writer", executions.get( 1 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
223            assertEquals( "it:java", executions.get( 2 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
224            assertEquals( "it:xpp3-reader", executions.get( 3 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
225            assertEquals( "it:xpp3-writer", executions.get( 4 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
226            assertEquals( "it:java", executions.get( 5 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
227            assertEquals( "it:xpp3-reader", executions.get( 6 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
228            assertEquals( "plugin:descriptor", executions.get( 7 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
229            assertEquals( "resources:resources", executions.get( 8 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
230            assertEquals( "compiler:compile", executions.get( 9 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
231            assertEquals( "resources:testResources", executions.get( 10 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
232            assertEquals( "compiler:testCompile", executions.get( 11 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
233            assertEquals( "surefire:test", executions.get( 12 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
234            assertEquals( "jar:jar", executions.get( 13 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
235            assertEquals( "plugin:addPluginArtifactMetadata", executions.get( 14 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
236            assertEquals( "install:install", executions.get( 15 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
238            assertEquals( "src/main/mdo/remote-resources.mdo",
239                          new MojoExecutionXPathContainer( executions.get( 1 ) ).getValue(
240                              "configuration/models[1]/model" ) );
241            assertEquals( "src/main/mdo/supplemental-model.mdo",
242                          new MojoExecutionXPathContainer( executions.get( 4 ) ).getValue(
243                              "configuration/models[1]/model" ) );
244        }
246        public void testLifecycleQueryingUsingADefaultLifecyclePhase()
247            throws Exception
248        {
249            File pom = getProject( "project-with-additional-lifecycle-elements" );
250            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
251            assertEquals( "project-with-additional-lifecycle-elements", session.getCurrentProject().getArtifactId() );
252            assertEquals( "1.0", session.getCurrentProject().getVersion() );
253            List<MojoExecution> executionPlan = getExecutions( calculateExecutionPlan( session, "package" ) );
255            //[01] resources:resources
256            //[02] compiler:compile
257            //[03] it:generate-metadata
258            //[04] resources:testResources
259            //[05] compiler:testCompile
260            //[06] plexus-component-metadata:generate-test-metadata
261            //[07] surefire:test
262            //[08] jar:jar
263            //
264            assertEquals( 8, executionPlan.size() );
266            assertEquals( "resources:resources", executionPlan.get( 0 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
267            assertEquals( "compiler:compile", executionPlan.get( 1 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
268            assertEquals( "it:generate-metadata", executionPlan.get( 2 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
269            assertEquals( "resources:testResources", executionPlan.get( 3 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
270            assertEquals( "compiler:testCompile", executionPlan.get( 4 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
271            assertEquals( "it:generate-test-metadata", executionPlan.get( 5 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
272            assertEquals( "surefire:test", executionPlan.get( 6 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
273            assertEquals( "jar:jar", executionPlan.get( 7 ).getMojoDescriptor().getFullGoalName() );
274        }
276        public void testLifecyclePluginsRetrievalForDefaultLifecycle()
277            throws Exception
278        {
279            List<Plugin> plugins =
280                new ArrayList<Plugin>( lifecycleExecutor.getPluginsBoundByDefaultToAllLifecycles( "jar" ) );
282            assertEquals( 8, plugins.size() );
283        }
285        public void testPluginConfigurationCreation()
286            throws Exception
287        {
288            File pom = getProject( "project-with-additional-lifecycle-elements" );
289            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
290            MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor =
291                mojoDescriptorCreator.getMojoDescriptor( "org.apache.maven.its.plugins:maven-it-plugin:0.1:java", session,
292                                                         session.getCurrentProject() );
293            Xpp3Dom dom = MojoDescriptorCreator.convert( mojoDescriptor );
294            System.out.println( dom );
295        }
297        MavenExecutionPlan calculateExecutionPlan( MavenSession session, String... tasks )
298            throws Exception
299        {
300            List<TaskSegment> taskSegments =
301                lifeCycleTaskSegmentCalculator.calculateTaskSegments( session, Arrays.asList( tasks ) );
303            TaskSegment mergedSegment = new TaskSegment( false );
305            for ( TaskSegment taskSegment : taskSegments )
306            {
307                mergedSegment.getTasks().addAll( taskSegment.getTasks() );
308            }
310            return lifeCycleExecutionPlanCalculator.calculateExecutionPlan( session, session.getCurrentProject(),
311                                                                            mergedSegment.getTasks() );
312        }
314        public void testInvalidGoalName()
315            throws Exception
316        {
317            File pom = getProject( "project-basic" );
318            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
319            try
320            {
321                getExecutions( calculateExecutionPlan( session, "resources:" ) );
322                fail( "expected a MojoNotFoundException" );
323            }
324            catch ( MojoNotFoundException e )
325            {
326                assertEquals( "", e.getGoal() );
327            }
329            try
330            {
331                getExecutions( calculateExecutionPlan( session, "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:0.1:resources:toomany" ) );
332                fail( "expected a MojoNotFoundException" );
333            }
334            catch ( MojoNotFoundException e )
335            {
336                assertEquals( "resources:toomany", e.getGoal() );
337            }
338        }
341        public void testPluginPrefixRetrieval()
342            throws Exception
343        {
344            File pom = getProject( "project-basic" );
345            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
346            Plugin plugin = mojoDescriptorCreator.findPluginForPrefix( "resources", session );
347            assertEquals( "org.apache.maven.plugins", plugin.getGroupId() );
348            assertEquals( "maven-resources-plugin", plugin.getArtifactId() );
349        }
351        // Prefixes
353        public void testFindingPluginPrefixforCleanClean()
354            throws Exception
355        {
356            File pom = getProject( "project-basic" );
357            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
358            Plugin plugin = mojoDescriptorCreator.findPluginForPrefix( "clean", session );
359            assertNotNull( plugin );
360        }
362        public void testSetupMojoExecution()
363            throws Exception
364        {
365            File pom = getProject( "mojo-configuration" );
367            MavenSession session = createMavenSession( pom );
369            LifecycleTask task = new LifecycleTask( "generate-sources" );
370            MavenExecutionPlan executionPlan =
371                lifeCycleExecutionPlanCalculator.calculateExecutionPlan( session, session.getCurrentProject(),
372                                                                         Arrays.asList( (Object) task ), false );
374            MojoExecution execution = executionPlan.getMojoExecutions().get(0);
375            assertEquals(execution.toString(), "maven-it-plugin", execution.getArtifactId());
376            assertNull(execution.getConfiguration());
378            lifeCycleExecutionPlanCalculator.setupMojoExecution( session, session.getCurrentProject(), execution );
379            assertNotNull(execution.getConfiguration());
380            assertEquals("1.0", execution.getConfiguration().getChild( "version" ).getAttribute( "default-value" ));
381        }
383    }