001// =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
002// Generated by Modello 1.8.3,
003// any modifications will be overwritten.
004// ==============================================================
006package org.apache.maven.usability.plugin.io.xpp3;
008  //---------------------------------/
009 //- Imported classes and packages -/
012import java.io.OutputStream;
013import java.io.Writer;
014import java.util.Iterator;
015import org.apache.maven.usability.plugin.Expression;
016import org.apache.maven.usability.plugin.ExpressionDocumentation;
017import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXSerializer;
018import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlSerializer;
021 * Class ParamdocXpp3Writer.
022 * 
023 * @version $Revision$ $Date$
024 */
025@SuppressWarnings( "all" )
026public class ParamdocXpp3Writer
029      //--------------------------/
030     //- Class/Member Variables -/
031    //--------------------------/
033    /**
034     * Field NAMESPACE.
035     */
036    private static final String NAMESPACE = null;
039      //-----------/
040     //- Methods -/
041    //-----------/
043    /**
044     * Method write.
045     * 
046     * @param writer
047     * @param expressionDocumentation
048     * @throws java.io.IOException
049     */
050    public void write( Writer writer, ExpressionDocumentation expressionDocumentation )
051        throws java.io.IOException
052    {
053        XmlSerializer serializer = new MXSerializer();
054        serializer.setProperty( "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-indentation", "  " );
055        serializer.setProperty( "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-line-separator", "\n" );
056        serializer.setOutput( writer );
057        serializer.startDocument( expressionDocumentation.getModelEncoding(), null );
058        writeExpressionDocumentation( expressionDocumentation, "paramdoc", serializer );
059        serializer.endDocument();
060    } //-- void write( Writer, ExpressionDocumentation )
062    /**
063     * Method write.
064     * 
065     * @param stream
066     * @param expressionDocumentation
067     * @throws java.io.IOException
068     */
069    public void write( OutputStream stream, ExpressionDocumentation expressionDocumentation )
070        throws java.io.IOException
071    {
072        XmlSerializer serializer = new MXSerializer();
073        serializer.setProperty( "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-indentation", "  " );
074        serializer.setProperty( "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-line-separator", "\n" );
075        serializer.setOutput( stream, expressionDocumentation.getModelEncoding() );
076        serializer.startDocument( expressionDocumentation.getModelEncoding(), null );
077        writeExpressionDocumentation( expressionDocumentation, "paramdoc", serializer );
078        serializer.endDocument();
079    } //-- void write( OutputStream, ExpressionDocumentation )
081    /**
082     * Method writeExpression.
083     * 
084     * @param expression
085     * @param serializer
086     * @param tagName
087     * @throws java.io.IOException
088     */
089    private void writeExpression( Expression expression, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
090        throws java.io.IOException
091    {
092        serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
093        if ( expression.getSyntax() != null )
094        {
095            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "syntax" ).text( expression.getSyntax() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "syntax" );
096        }
097        if ( expression.getDescription() != null )
098        {
099            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "description" ).text( expression.getDescription() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "description" );
100        }
101        if ( expression.getConfiguration() != null )
102        {
103            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "configuration" ).text( expression.getConfiguration() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "configuration" );
104        }
105        if ( ( expression.getCliOptions() != null ) && ( expression.getCliOptions().size() > 0 ) )
106        {
107            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "cliOptions" );
108            for ( Iterator iter = expression.getCliOptions().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
109            {
110                String key = (String) iter.next();
111                String value = (String) expression.getCliOptions().get( key );
112                serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "cliOption" );
113                serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "key" ).text( key ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "key" );
114                serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "value" ).text( value ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "value" );
115                serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "cliOption" );
116            }
117            serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "cliOptions" );
118        }
119        if ( ( expression.getApiMethods() != null ) && ( expression.getApiMethods().size() > 0 ) )
120        {
121            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "apiMethods" );
122            for ( Iterator iter = expression.getApiMethods().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
123            {
124                String key = (String) iter.next();
125                String value = (String) expression.getApiMethods().get( key );
126                serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "apiMethod" );
127                serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "key" ).text( key ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "key" );
128                serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "value" ).text( value ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "value" );
129                serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "apiMethod" );
130            }
131            serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "apiMethods" );
132        }
133        if ( expression.getDeprecation() != null )
134        {
135            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "deprecation" ).text( expression.getDeprecation() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "deprecation" );
136        }
137        if ( expression.getBan() != null )
138        {
139            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "ban" ).text( expression.getBan() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "ban" );
140        }
141        if ( expression.isEditable() != true )
142        {
143            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "editable" ).text( String.valueOf( expression.isEditable() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "editable" );
144        }
145        serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
146    } //-- void writeExpression( Expression, String, XmlSerializer )
148    /**
149     * Method writeExpressionDocumentation.
150     * 
151     * @param expressionDocumentation
152     * @param serializer
153     * @param tagName
154     * @throws java.io.IOException
155     */
156    private void writeExpressionDocumentation( ExpressionDocumentation expressionDocumentation, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
157        throws java.io.IOException
158    {
159        serializer.setPrefix( "", "http://maven.apache.org/PARAMDOC/1.0.0" );
160        serializer.setPrefix( "xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" );
161        serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
162        serializer.attribute( "", "xsi:schemaLocation", "http://maven.apache.org/PARAMDOC/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/paramdoc-1.0.0.xsd" );
163        if ( ( expressionDocumentation.getExpressions() != null ) && ( expressionDocumentation.getExpressions().size() > 0 ) )
164        {
165            serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "expressions" );
166            for ( Iterator iter = expressionDocumentation.getExpressions().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
167            {
168                Expression o = (Expression) iter.next();
169                writeExpression( o, "expression", serializer );
170            }
171            serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "expressions" );
172        }
173        serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
174    } //-- void writeExpressionDocumentation( ExpressionDocumentation, String, XmlSerializer )