Maven Wagon SCM

This project is an implementation of Wagon provider for SCM (Source Control Management) systems, using Maven SCM.

It enables Maven to use remote repositories stored in SCM systems (Subversion, CVS, ...) and to store Maven sites in SCMs.


  • Deploy files and directories to several SCM using Maven SCM (only tested with CVS and SVN)
  • Get files from several SCM using Maven SCM (only tested with CVS and SVN)

Known issues

  • If the file is changed by the SCM, the checksum calculation may not work
    • SVN: when a file has properties svn:eol-style or svn:keywords set
    • CVS: when keywords are expanded
  • Generated site may have inconsistent newlines (see MSITE-121), preventing SCM check-in: prefer maven-scm-publish-plugin to publish your site to SCM