We are pleased to announce the Maven Dashboard Plugin 1.3 release! http://maven.apache.org/maven-1.x/plugins/dashboard/ Generate a dashboard containing global statistics about other maven reports =============================================================================== Changes in this version include: New Features: o Added Simian Total Duplicate Lines aggregator. Fixed bugs: o Prevent the plugin from failing if one dashboard-single.xmlfails to be generated. Thanks to Dominique Collette. Changes: o Better error reporting when a wrong aggregator name is used. o Updated plugin tests to verify we can generate the dashboard report by using the multiproject:site goal. Also updated documentation accordingly. o Removed explicit dependencies on maven-clover-pluginand maven-junit-report-plugin. The reason I've removed the dependencies is that people will want to use different versions of these plugins. I would have liked to say in the dependencies that we need versions greater than 1.4 for each plugin but that's not currently possible. o Changed junit-report-1.4-SNAPSHOT to 1.4 release. o Added explicit dependencies on other Maven plugins. =============================================================================== To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line: maven plugin:download -Dmaven.repo.remote=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven,http://people.apache.org/repo/m1-snapshot-repository/ -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-dashboard-plugin -Dversion=1.3 For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/java-repository/maven/plugins/maven-dashboard-plugin-1.3.jar Have fun! -The Maven Dashboard Plugin development team