CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.3.


    protected void transformScm( MavenProject project, Element rootElement, Namespace namespace,
                                 ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor, String projectId, ScmRepository scmRepository,
                                 ReleaseResult result, String commonBasedir ) 
    throws ReleaseExecutionException
        // If SCM is null in original model, it is inherited, no mods needed
        if ( project.getScm() != null )
            Element scmRoot = rootElement.getChild( "scm", namespace );
            if ( scmRoot != null )
                Scm scm = buildScm( project );
                releaseDescriptor.mapOriginalScmInfo( projectId, scm );

                    translateScm( project, releaseDescriptor, scmRoot, namespace, scmRepository, result, commonBasedir );
                catch ( IOException e )
                    throw new ReleaseExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
                releaseDescriptor.mapOriginalScmInfo( projectId, null );

                MavenProject parent = project.getParent();
                if ( parent != null )
                    // If the SCM element is not present, only add it if the parent was not mapped (ie, it's external to
                    // the release process and so has not been modified, so the values will not be correct on the tag),
                    String parentId = ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId() );
                    if ( !releaseDescriptor.getOriginalScmInfo().containsKey( parentId ) )
                        // we need to add it, since it has changed from the inherited value
                        scmRoot = new Element( "scm" );
                        scmRoot.addContent( "\n  " );

                            if ( translateScm( project, releaseDescriptor, scmRoot, namespace, scmRepository, result,
                                               commonBasedir ) )
                                rootElement.addContent( "\n  " ).addContent( scmRoot ).addContent( "\n" );
                        catch ( IOException e )
                            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );

    private boolean translateScm( MavenProject project, ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor, Element scmRoot,
                                  Namespace namespace, ScmRepository scmRepository, ReleaseResult relResult,
                                  String commonBasedir ) 
    throws IOException
        ScmTranslator translator = getScmTranslators().get( scmRepository.getProvider() );
        boolean result = false;
        if ( translator != null )
            Scm scm = project.getOriginalModel().getScm();
            if ( scm == null )
                scm = project.getScm();
            String branchName = releaseDescriptor.getScmReleaseLabel();
    private String encryptAndDecorate( String passwd ) throws IllegalStateException, SecDispatcherException, PlexusCipherException
        String configurationFile = secDispatcher.getConfigurationFile();

        if ( configurationFile.startsWith( "~" ) )
            configurationFile = System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + configurationFile.substring( 1 );

        String file = System.getProperty( DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION, configurationFile );

        String master = null;

        SettingsSecurity sec = SecUtil.read( file, true );
        if ( sec != null )
            master = sec.getMaster();

        if ( master == null )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "Master password is not set in the setting security file: " + file );

        DefaultPlexusCipher cipher = new DefaultPlexusCipher();
        String masterPasswd = cipher.decryptDecorated( master, DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION );
        return cipher.encryptAndDecorate( passwd, masterPasswd );