All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract AbstractBackupPomsPhase class.
Phase that checks the validity of the POM before release.
Input any variables that were not yet configured.
Map projects to their new versions after release / into the next development cycle.
Abstract AbstractMavenExecutor class.
Abstract release POM phase.
Abstract AbstractReleaseRequest class.
Base class for rewriting phases.
Abstract phase to run a Maven invocation on the project.
Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
Holds the basic concept of committing changes to the current working copy.
Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
Input any variables that were not yet configured.
Check the dependencies of all projects being released to see if there are any unreleased snapshots.
Phase that checks the validity of the POM before release.
Phase that checks the validity of the POM before release.
ClearCase tag translator.
Create a command line for execution.
CVS tag translator.
Create a command line instance.
DefaultNamingPolicy class.
DefaultReleaseEnvironment class.
Implementation of the release manager.
DefaultReleaseManagerListener class.
Tool that gets a configured SCM repository from release configuration.
DefaultStrategy class.
This compares and increments versions for a common java versioning scheme.
Default version policy: proposed release version just removes
next development version adds a minor increment to release and adds -SNAPSHOT
.Finalise release preparation so it can be flagged complete..
Fork Maven to execute a series of goals.
Generate release POMs.
GitScmTranslator class.
HgScmTranslator class.
Unlike repositories the scm of the Project Model doesn't have an id.
Input any variables that were not yet configured.
Fork Maven using the maven-invoker shared library.
Jazz tag translator.
JDOM2 implementation of poms BUILD element
JDOM2 implementation of poms DEPENDENCY element
JDOM2 implementation of poms DEPENDENCYMANAGEMENT element
JDOM2 implementation of poms EXTENSION element
JDomMavenCoordinate class.
JDOM2 implementation of poms PROJECT element
JDomModelBase class.
JDOM2 implementation for extracting, transform, loading the Model (pom.xml)
JDomModelETLFactory class.
JDOM2 implementation of poms PARENT element
JDOM2 implementation of poms PLUGIN element
JDOM2 implementation of poms PLUGINMANAGEMENT element
JDOM2 implementation of poms PROFILE element
JDOM2 implementation of poms PROPERTIES element
JDOM2 implementation of poms REPORTING element
JDOM2 implementation of poms reports PLUGIN element
JDOM2 implementation of poms SCM element
Common JDOM2 functions
Map projects to their new versions after release / into the next development cycle.
Map projects to their new versions after release / into the next development cycle.
Map projects to their new versions after release / into the next development cycle.
MavenCoordinate interface.
A shared utility to access
service.Exception thrown when "something" of crypto operation did not succeed.
Execute Maven.
Exception executing Maven.
ModelETL interface.
ModelETLFactory interface.
ModelETLRequest class.
Class ModelloReleaseDescriptor.
This utility class helps with finding a maven pom file
which got parsed previously.
Read and write release configuration and state from a properties file.
RawStreamPumper class.
ReleaseBranchRequest class.
ReleaseCleanRequest class.
ReleaseDescriptorBuilder class.
Hides inner logic of the release descriptor
Storage for reading and writing release configuration.
Exception occurring within the configuration store.
Release management classes.
ReleaseManagerListener interface.
ReleasePerformRequest class.
ReleasePrepareRequest class.
ReleaseRollbackRequest class.
Exception occurring during an SCM operation.
Exception occurring during an SCM repository operation.
Class ReleaseStageVersions.
ReleaseUpdateVersionsRequest class.
Class providing utility methods used during the release process
Remove release POMs.
Remove tag from SCM repository during rollback
Rewrite POMs for branch.
Rewrite POMs for future development
Rewrite POMs for release.
Rewrite POMs for future development
Run the completion goals for the project to before committing the continuing development stream.
Run the effective release build of the project and its deploy to remote repository.
Run a build of the project (eventually with the integration tests) to verify that it builds before committing.
Branch the SCM repository.
See if there are any local modifications to the files before proceeding with SCM operations and the release.
Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
Commit the changes that were done to prepare the branch or tag to the SCM.
Configure an SCM repository using release configuration.
Tag the SCM repository after committing the release.
Translate the SCM information after tagging/reverting to trunk.
Subversion tag translator.
Consumer that both funnels to System.out/err, and stores in an internal buffer.
TeeOutputStream class.
Represent the different version representations during the release-prepare phase