Class JavadocUtil

  • public class JavadocUtil
    extends Object
    Set of utilities methods for Javadoc.
    Vincent Siveton
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      protected static class  JavadocUtil.JavadocOutputStreamConsumer
      Ignores line like 'Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: ...' as can happen on CI servers.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
      The default timeout used when fetching url, i.e.
      protected static String ERROR_INIT_VM
      Error message when VM could not be started using invoker.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected static void copyJavadocResources​(File outputDirectory, File javadocDir, String excludedocfilessubdir)
      Convenience method that copy all doc-files directories from javadocDir to the outputDirectory.
      protected static void copyResource​(URL url, File file)
      Copy the given url to the given file.
      protected static String extractJavadocVersion​(String output)
      Parse the output for 'javadoc -J-version' and return the javadoc version recognized.
      protected static Collection<String> getExcludedPackages​(Path sourceDirectory, Collection<String> excludePackagenames)
      Method that gets the complete package names (including subpackages) of the packages that were defined in the excludePackageNames parameter.
      protected static List<String> getExcludedPackages​(Collection<Path> sourcePaths, Collection<String> excludedPackages)
      Method that gets all the source files to be excluded from the javadoc on the given source paths.
      protected static List<String> getFilesFromSource​(File sourceDirectory, List<String> sourceFileIncludes, List<String> sourceFileExcludes, Collection<String> excludePackages)
      Convenience method that gets the files to be included in the javadoc.
      protected static List<String> getIncludedFiles​(File sourceDirectory, String[] fileList, Collection<String> excludePackages)
      Method that gets the files or classes that would be included in the javadocs using the subpackages parameter.
      protected static getJavadocVersion​(File javadocExe)
      Call the Javadoc tool and parse its output to find its version, i.e.:
      protected static URL getRedirectUrl​(URL url, org.apache.maven.settings.Settings settings)
      Execute an HTTP request to the given URL, follow redirects, and return the last redirect location.
      protected static List<String> getTagletClassNames​(File jarFile)
      Auto-detect the class names of the implementation of class from a given jar file.
      protected static void invokeMaven​(org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log log, File localRepositoryDir, File projectFile, List<String> goals, Properties properties, File invokerLog, File globalSettingsFile, File userSettingsFile, File globalToolchainsFile, File userToolchainsFile)
      Invoke Maven for the given project file with a list of goals and properties, the output will be in the invokerlog file.
      static boolean isEmpty​(Collection<?> collection)
      Convenience method to determine that a collection is empty or null.
      static boolean isNotEmpty​(Collection<?> collection)
      Convenience method to determine that a collection is not empty or null.
      protected static boolean isValidElementList​(URL url, org.apache.maven.settings.Settings settings, boolean validateContent)  
      protected static boolean isValidPackageList​(URL url, org.apache.maven.settings.Settings settings, boolean validateContent)
      Validates an URL to point to a valid package-list resource.
      protected static String parseJavadocMemory​(String memory)
      Parse a memory string which be used in the JVM arguments -Xms or -Xmx.
      static Collection<Path> pruneDirs​(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project, Collection<String> dirs)
      Method that removes the invalid classpath directories in the specified directories.
      protected static List<String> pruneFiles​(Collection<String> files)
      Method that removes the invalid files in the specified files.
      static Collection<Path> prunePaths​(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project, Collection<String> paths, boolean includeFiles)
      Method that removes invalid classpath elements in the specified paths.
      protected static String quotedArgument​(String value)
      Convenience method to wrap a command line option-argument in single quotes (i.e.
      protected static String quotedPathArgument​(String value)
      Convenience method to format a path argument so that it is properly interpreted by the javadoc tool.
      protected static String readFile​(File javaFile, String encoding)
      Read the given file and return the content or null if an IOException occurs.
      static boolean shouldPruneFile​(String f, List<String> pruned)
      Determine whether a file should be excluded from the provided list of paths, based on whether it exists and is already present in the list.
      protected static String[] splitPath​(String path)
      Split the given path with colon and semi-colon, to support Solaris and Windows path.
      static String toRelative​(File basedir, String absolutePath)  
      protected static String unifyPathSeparator​(String path)
      Unify the given path with the current System path separator, to be platform independent.
      protected static boolean validateEncoding​(String charsetName)
      Validate if a charset is supported on this platform.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        The default timeout used when fetching url, i.e. 2000.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final String ERROR_INIT_VM
        Error message when VM could not be started using invoker.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • JavadocUtil

        public JavadocUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • prunePaths

        public static Collection<Path> prunePaths​(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project,
                                                  Collection<String> paths,
                                                  boolean includeFiles)
        Method that removes invalid classpath elements in the specified paths. Note: All elements in paths could be absolute or relative against the project's base directory. When pruning classpath elements, you can optionally include files in the result, otherwise only directories are permitted.
        project - the current Maven project not null
        paths - the collection of paths that will be validated
        includeFiles - whether to include files in the result as well
        a list of valid classpath elements as absolute paths
      • pruneDirs

        public static Collection<Path> pruneDirs​(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project,
                                                 Collection<String> dirs)
        Method that removes the invalid classpath directories in the specified directories. Note: All elements in dirs could be absolute or relative against the project's base directory.
        project - the current Maven project not null
        dirs - the collection of directories that will be validated
        a list of valid claspath elements as absolute paths
      • pruneFiles

        protected static List<String> pruneFiles​(Collection<String> files)
        Method that removes the invalid files in the specified files. Note: All elements in files should be an absolute String path.
        files - the list of String files paths that will be validated.
        a List of valid File objects.
      • shouldPruneFile

        public static boolean shouldPruneFile​(String f,
                                              List<String> pruned)
        Determine whether a file should be excluded from the provided list of paths, based on whether it exists and is already present in the list.
        f - The files.
        pruned - The list of pruned files..
        true if the file could be pruned false otherwise.
      • getExcludedPackages

        protected static List<String> getExcludedPackages​(Collection<Path> sourcePaths,
                                                          Collection<String> excludedPackages)
        Method that gets all the source files to be excluded from the javadoc on the given source paths.
        sourcePaths - the path to the source files
        excludedPackages - the package names to be excluded in the javadoc
        a List of the packages to be excluded in the generated javadoc
      • quotedArgument

        protected static String quotedArgument​(String value)
        Convenience method to wrap a command line option-argument in single quotes (i.e. '). Intended for values which may contain whitespace.
        Line feeds (i.e. \n) are replaced with spaces, and single quotes are backslash escaped.
        value - the option-argument
        quoted option-argument
      • quotedPathArgument

        protected static String quotedPathArgument​(String value)
        Convenience method to format a path argument so that it is properly interpreted by the javadoc tool. Intended for path values which may contain whitespaces.
        value - the argument value.
        path argument with quote
      • copyJavadocResources

        protected static void copyJavadocResources​(File outputDirectory,
                                                   File javadocDir,
                                                   String excludedocfilessubdir)
                                            throws IOException
        Convenience method that copy all doc-files directories from javadocDir to the outputDirectory.
        outputDirectory - the output directory
        javadocDir - the javadoc directory
        excludedocfilessubdir - the excludedocfilessubdir parameter
        IOException - if any
      • getIncludedFiles

        protected static List<String> getIncludedFiles​(File sourceDirectory,
                                                       String[] fileList,
                                                       Collection<String> excludePackages)
        Method that gets the files or classes that would be included in the javadocs using the subpackages parameter.
        sourceDirectory - the directory where the source files are located
        fileList - the list of all relative files found in the sourceDirectory
        excludePackages - package names to be excluded in the javadoc
        a StringBuilder that contains the appended file names of the files to be included in the javadoc
      • getExcludedPackages

        protected static Collection<String> getExcludedPackages​(Path sourceDirectory,
                                                                Collection<String> excludePackagenames)
        Method that gets the complete package names (including subpackages) of the packages that were defined in the excludePackageNames parameter.
        sourceDirectory - the directory where the source files are located
        excludePackagenames - package names to be excluded in the javadoc
        a List of the packagenames to be excluded
      • getFilesFromSource

        protected static List<String> getFilesFromSource​(File sourceDirectory,
                                                         List<String> sourceFileIncludes,
                                                         List<String> sourceFileExcludes,
                                                         Collection<String> excludePackages)
        Convenience method that gets the files to be included in the javadoc.
        sourceDirectory - the directory where the source files are located
        sourceFileIncludes - files to include
        sourceFileExcludes - files to exclude
        excludePackages - packages to be excluded from the javadocs
        the files from which javadoc should be generated
      • getJavadocVersion

        protected static getJavadocVersion​(File javadocExe)
                                                                                           throws IOException,
        Call the Javadoc tool and parse its output to find its version, i.e.:
         javadoc.exe( ) - J - version
        javadocExe - not null file
        the javadoc version as float
        IOException - if javadocExe is null, doesn't exist or is not a file
        org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineException - if any
        IllegalArgumentException - if no output was found in the command line
        PatternSyntaxException - if the output contains a syntax error in the regular-expression pattern.
        See Also:
      • extractJavadocVersion

        protected static String extractJavadocVersion​(String output)
                                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Parse the output for 'javadoc -J-version' and return the javadoc version recognized.
        Here are some output for 'javadoc -J-version' depending the JDK used:
        Output for 'javadoc -J-version' per JDK
        JDK Output for 'javadoc -J-version'
        Sun 1.4 java full version "1.4.2_12-b03"
        Sun 1.5 java full version "1.5.0_07-164"
        IBM 1.4 javadoc full version "J2RE 1.4.2 IBM Windows 32 build cn1420-20040626"
        IBM 1.5 (French JVM) javadoc version complète de "J2RE 1.5.0 IBM Windows 32 build pwi32pdev-20070426a"
        FreeBSD 1.5 java full version "diablo-1.5.0-b01"
        BEA jrockit 1.5 java full version "1.5.0_11-b03"
        output - for 'javadoc -J-version'
        the version of the javadoc for the output, only digits and dots
        PatternSyntaxException - if the output doesn't match with the output pattern (?s).*?[^a-zA-Z]([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)(\\.([0-9]+))?.*.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the output is null
      • parseJavadocMemory

        protected static String parseJavadocMemory​(String memory)
                                            throws IllegalArgumentException
        Parse a memory string which be used in the JVM arguments -Xms or -Xmx.
        Here are some supported memory string depending the JDK used:
        Memory argument support per JDK
        JDK Memory argument support for -Xms or -Xmx
        SUN 1024k | 128m | 1g | 1t
        IBM 1024k | 1024b | 128m | 128mb | 1g | 1gb
        BEA 1024k | 1024kb | 128m | 128mb | 1g | 1gb
        memory - the memory to be parsed, not null.
        the memory parsed with a supported unit. If no unit specified in the memory parameter, the default unit is m. The units g | gb or t | tb will be converted in m.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the memory parameter is null or doesn't match any pattern.
      • validateEncoding

        protected static boolean validateEncoding​(String charsetName)
        Validate if a charset is supported on this platform.
        charsetName - the charsetName to be check.
        true if the given charset is supported by the JVM, false otherwise.
      • getTagletClassNames

        protected static List<String> getTagletClassNames​(File jarFile)
                                                   throws IOException,
        Auto-detect the class names of the implementation of class from a given jar file.
        Note: JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar is a requirement to find class.
        jarFile - not null
        the list of class names from a given jarFile.
        IOException - if jarFile is invalid or not found, or if the JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar is not found.
        ClassNotFoundException - if any
        NoClassDefFoundError - if any
      • copyResource

        protected static void copyResource​(URL url,
                                           File file)
                                    throws IOException
        Copy the given url to the given file.
        url - not null url
        file - not null file where the url will be created
        IOException - if any
      • invokeMaven

        protected static void invokeMaven​(org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log log,
                                          File localRepositoryDir,
                                          File projectFile,
                                          List<String> goals,
                                          Properties properties,
                                          File invokerLog,
                                          File globalSettingsFile,
                                          File userSettingsFile,
                                          File globalToolchainsFile,
                                          File userToolchainsFile)
                                   throws org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.MavenInvocationException
        Invoke Maven for the given project file with a list of goals and properties, the output will be in the invokerlog file.
        Note: the Maven Home should be defined in the maven.home Java system property or defined in M2_HOME system env variables.
        log - a logger could be null.
        localRepositoryDir - the localRepository not null.
        projectFile - a not null project file.
        goals - a not null goals list.
        properties - the properties for the goals, could be null.
        invokerLog - the log file where the invoker will be written, if null using System.out.
        globalSettingsFile - reference to settings file, could be null.
        userSettingsFile - reference to user settings file, could be null.
        globalToolchainsFile - reference to toolchains file, could be null.
        userToolchainsFile - reference to user toolchains file, could be null.
        org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.MavenInvocationException - if any
      • readFile

        protected static String readFile​(File javaFile,
                                         String encoding)
        Read the given file and return the content or null if an IOException occurs.
        javaFile - not null
        encoding - could be null
        the content with unified line separator of the given javaFile using the given encoding.
        See Also:
        FileUtils.fileRead(File, String)
      • splitPath

        protected static String[] splitPath​(String path)
        Split the given path with colon and semi-colon, to support Solaris and Windows path. Examples:
         splitPath( "/home:/tmp" )     = ["/home", "/tmp"]
         splitPath( "/home;/tmp" )     = ["/home", "/tmp"]
         splitPath( "C:/home:C:/tmp" ) = ["C:/home", "C:/tmp"]
         splitPath( "C:/home;C:/tmp" ) = ["C:/home", "C:/tmp"]
        path - which can contain multiple paths separated with a colon (:) or a semi-colon (;), platform independent. Could be null.
        the path splitted by colon or semi-colon or null if path was null.
      • unifyPathSeparator

        protected static String unifyPathSeparator​(String path)
        Unify the given path with the current System path separator, to be platform independent. Examples:
         unifyPathSeparator( "/home:/tmp" ) = "/home:/tmp" (Solaris box)
         unifyPathSeparator( "/home:/tmp" ) = "/home;/tmp" (Windows box)
        path - which can contain multiple paths by separating them with a colon (:) or a semi-colon (;), platform independent. Could be null.
        the same path but separated with the current System path separator or null if path was null.
        See Also:
        splitPath(String), File.pathSeparator
      • toRelative

        public static String toRelative​(File basedir,
                                        String absolutePath)
      • isNotEmpty

        public static boolean isNotEmpty​(Collection<?> collection)
        Convenience method to determine that a collection is not empty or null.
        collection - the collection to verify
        true if not null and not empty, otherwise false
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(Collection<?> collection)
        Convenience method to determine that a collection is empty or null.
        collection - the collection to verify
        true if null or empty, otherwise false
      • getRedirectUrl

        protected static URL getRedirectUrl​(URL url,
                                            org.apache.maven.settings.Settings settings)
                                     throws IOException
        Execute an HTTP request to the given URL, follow redirects, and return the last redirect location. For URLs that aren't http/https, this does nothing and simply returns the given URL unchanged.
        url - URL
        settings - Maven settings
        final URL after all redirects have been followed
        IOException - if there was an error during the HTTP request
      • isValidPackageList

        protected static boolean isValidPackageList​(URL url,
                                                    org.apache.maven.settings.Settings settings,
                                                    boolean validateContent)
                                             throws IOException
        Validates an URL to point to a valid package-list resource.
        url - The URL to validate.
        settings - The user settings used to configure the connection to the URL or null.
        validateContent - true to validate the content of the package-list resource; false to only check the existence of the package-list resource.
        true if url points to a valid package-list resource; false else.
        IOException - if reading the resource fails.
        See Also:
      • isValidElementList

        protected static boolean isValidElementList​(URL url,
                                                    org.apache.maven.settings.Settings settings,
                                                    boolean validateContent)
                                             throws IOException