All Classes and Interfaces

Prevents duplicate copies of the license
A resource processor that appends content for a resource, separated by a newline.
A resource processor that aggregates plexus components.xml files.
Separate class for counter.
A resource processor that prevents the inclusion of an arbitrary resource into the shaded JAR.
Aggregate Apache Groovy extension modules descriptors
Display help information on maven-shade-plugin.
Call mvn shade:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
A resource processor that allows the addition of an arbitrary file content into the shaded JAR.
A resource processor that allows the arbitrary addition of attributes to the first MANIFEST.MF that is found in the set of JARs being processed, or to a newly created manifest for the shaded JAR.
Class MavenJDOMWriter.
Enables to merge Microprofile Config configuration files properly respecting their ordinal.
A filter that prevents the inclusion of classes not required in the final jar.
Simple output stream replacing close call by a simple flush.
Enables to merge openwebbeans configuration files properly respecting their ordinal.
A resource processor that aggregates Maven plugin.xml files.
Enables to merge a set of properties respecting priority between them.
Transform resource ensuring reproducible output: that requires to get the timestamp of the initial resources to define in a reproducible way the timestamp of the transformed resource.
An appending transformer for resource bundles
Resources transformer that relocates classes in META-INF/services and appends entries in META-INF/services resources into a single resource.
Mojo that performs shading delegating to the Shader component.
Interface that defines the process of shading.
Parameter object used to pass multitude of args to Shader.shade()
Resource transformer that relocates classes in META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named and appends resources into a single resource.
Simple buffered writer skipping its first write(String) call.
Internal Properties instance sorting its keys on iterations for store() usages.
Manually creates the resource processors needed to remove the original pom.xml and inject the dependency-reduced-pom.xml in its place in the shaded JAR.
Appends multiple occurrences of some XML file.