All Classes and Interfaces

Populates Aether ArtifactDescriptorResult from Maven project Model.
Warning: This is an internal utility class that is only public for technical reasons, it is not part of the public API.
Default artifact descriptor reader.
A model builder cache backed by the repository system cache.
Default implementation of ModelCacheFactory.
Default implementation of Type and Resolver ArtifactType.
Default version scheme provider: provides singleton GenericVersionScheme instance.
Relocation source from standard distribution management.
A dependency traverser that excludes the dependencies of fat artifacts from the traversal.
The keys for Maven specific properties of artifacts.
Maven relocation source.
A dependency graph transformer that refines the request context for nodes that belong to the "project" context by appending the buildpath type to which the node belongs.
The dependency scopes used for Java dependencies in Maven.
A scope deriver for use with ConflictResolver that supports the scopes from MavenDependencyScopes.
A scope selector for use with ConflictResolver that supports the scopes from MavenDependencyScopes.
A simple Supplier of RepositorySystemSession.SessionBuilder instances, that on each call supplies newly constructed instance.
A system scope handler.
Factory for ModelCache objects.
Maven G level metadata generator factory.
Maven GAV level metadata generator factory.
Relocation source from user properties.
Maven GA level metadata generator factory.