Interface InheritanceAssembler

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public interface InheritanceAssembler
Handles inheritance of model values.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    assembleModelInheritance(org.apache.maven.api.model.Model child, org.apache.maven.api.model.Model parent, ModelBuildingRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems)
    Merges values from the specified parent model into the given child model.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • assembleModelInheritance Link icon

      org.apache.maven.api.model.Model assembleModelInheritance(org.apache.maven.api.model.Model child, org.apache.maven.api.model.Model parent, ModelBuildingRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems)
      Merges values from the specified parent model into the given child model. Implementations are expected to keep parent and child completely decoupled by injecting deep copies of objects into the child rather than the original objects from the parent.
      child - The child model into which to merge the values inherited from the parent, must not be null.
      parent - The (read-only) parent model from which to inherit the values, may be null.
      request - The model building request that holds further settings, must not be null.
      problems - The container used to collect problems that were encountered, must not be null.