Class ChecksumUtils

  • public final class ChecksumUtils
    extends Object
    A utility class to assist in the verification and generation of checksums.
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public static String read​(File checksumFile)
                           throws IOException
        Extracts the checksum from the specified file.
        checksumFile - The path to the checksum file, must not be null.
        The checksum stored in the file, never null.
        IOException - If the checksum does not exist or could not be read for other reasons.
      • calc

        public static Map<String,​Objectcalc​(File dataFile,
                                                    Collection<String> algos)
                                             throws IOException
        Calculates checksums for the specified file.
        dataFile - The file for which to calculate checksums, must not be null.
        algos - The names of checksum algorithms (cf. MessageDigest.getInstance(String) to use, must not be null.
        The calculated checksums, indexed by algorithm name, or the exception that occurred while trying to calculate it, never null.
        IOException - If the data file could not be read.
      • toHexString

        public static String toHexString​(byte[] bytes)
        Creates a hexadecimal representation of the specified bytes. Each byte is converted into a two-digit hex number and appended to the result with no separator between consecutive bytes.
        bytes - The bytes to represent in hex notation, may be be null.
        The hexadecimal representation of the input or null if the input was null.