Class ConservativeProxySelector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ConservativeProxySelector
    extends Object
    implements ProxySelector
    A proxy selector that delegates to another selector but only if a repository has no proxy yet. If a proxy has already been assigned to a repository, that is selected.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConservativeProxySelector

        public ConservativeProxySelector​(ProxySelector selector)
        Creates a new selector that delegates to the specified selector.
        selector - The selector to delegate to in case a repository has no proxy yet, must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getProxy

        public Proxy getProxy​(RemoteRepository repository)
        Description copied from interface: ProxySelector
        Selects a proxy for the specified remote repository.
        Specified by:
        getProxy in interface ProxySelector
        repository - The repository for which to select a proxy, must not be null.
        The selected proxy or null if none.