Interface UpdatePolicyAnalyzer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UpdatePolicyAnalyzer
    Evaluates update policies.
    This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    This type is provisional and can be changed, moved or removed without prior notice.
    • Method Detail

      • getEffectiveUpdatePolicy

        String getEffectiveUpdatePolicy​(RepositorySystemSession session,
                                        String policy1,
                                        String policy2)
        Returns the policy with the shorter update interval.
        session - The repository system session during which the request is made, must not be null.
        policy1 - A policy to compare, may be null.
        policy2 - A policy to compare, may be null.
        The policy with the shorter update interval.
      • isUpdatedRequired

        boolean isUpdatedRequired​(RepositorySystemSession session,
                                  long lastModified,
                                  String policy)
        Determines whether the specified modification timestamp satisfies the freshness constraint expressed by the given update policy.
        session - The repository system session during which the check is made, must not be null.
        lastModified - The timestamp to check against the update policy.
        policy - The update policy, may be null.
        true if the specified timestamp is older than acceptable by the update policy, false otherwise.