Interface ChecksumPolicyProvider

  • public interface ChecksumPolicyProvider
    Assists repository connectors in applying checksum policies to downloaded resources.
    This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    • Method Detail

      • newChecksumPolicy

        ChecksumPolicy newChecksumPolicy​(RepositorySystemSession session,
                                         RemoteRepository repository,
                                         TransferResource resource,
                                         String policy)
        Retrieves the checksum policy with the specified identifier for use on the given remote resource.
        session - The repository system session during which the request is made, must not be null.
        repository - The repository hosting the resource being transferred, must not be null.
        resource - The transfer resource on which the policy will be applied, must not be null.
        policy - The identifier of the policy to apply, must not be null.
        The policy to apply or null if checksums should be ignored.
      • getEffectiveChecksumPolicy

        String getEffectiveChecksumPolicy​(RepositorySystemSession session,
                                          String policy1,
                                          String policy2)
        Returns the least strict policy. A checksum policy is said to be less strict than another policy if it would accept a downloaded resource in all cases where the other policy would reject the resource.
        session - The repository system session during which the request is made, must not be null.
        policy1 - A policy to compare, must not be null.
        policy2 - A policy to compare, must not be null.
        The least strict policy among the two input policies.