Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated Work 6 @deprecated
FIXME Work 0 fixme, @fixme
Todo Work 2 todo, @todo

Each tag is detailed below:

Deprecated Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 6

org.eclipse.aether.impl.DefaultServiceLocator Line
Use some out-of-the-box DI implementation instead. 83
org.eclipse.aether.impl.SyncContextFactory Line
For backward compatibility reasons only, do not use this interface. 25
org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.DefaultArtifactResolver Line
not used any more since MRESOLVER-36 move to slf4j, added back in MRESOLVER-64 for compatibility 145
org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.DefaultRepositorySystem Line
not used any more since MRESOLVER-36 move to slf4j, added back in MRESOLVER-64 for compatibility 159
org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.slf4j.Slf4jLoggerFactory Line
Use SLF4J instead 37
org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.synccontext.legacy.DefaultSyncContextFactory Line
Use the proper class from SPI module. 39

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 2

org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.DefaultUpdateCheckManagerTest Line
This will be changed to 'enabled' in a future version 343
This will be changed to 'disabled' in a future version 348