All Classes and Interfaces

Provides information about an artifact that is relevant to transitive dependency resolution.
Resolves artifacts, that is gets a local filesystem path to their binary contents.
Support class to implement ArtifactResolverPostProcessor.
Wrapping NameMapper class that is file system friendly: it wraps another NameMapper and resolves the resulting "file system friendly" names against local repository basedir.
Breadth-first DependencyCollector
Label for "build path", like "compile", "runtime", etc.
Build scope is certain combination of ProjectPath and BuildPath.
Generic matrix generator for ProjectPath and BuildPath combinations (all of them).
Build scope query.
Build scope source.
A short-lived artifact type registry that caches results from a presumably slower type registry.
Trace objects for dependency collection.
Set of constants meant to be used in "common builds".
Internal helper class for collector implementations.
Default implementation.
Checksum extractor.
A utility class helping with file-based operations.
A default implementation of repository system session that is immutable and thread-safe.
Internal helper class for collector implementations.
Default implementation of DependencyCollector that merely indirect to selected delegate.
Default implementation of DependencyCycle.
Default implementation of DependencyGraphTransformationContext.
Default implementation of LocalPathComposer.
Default local path prefix composer factory: it fully reuses LocalPathPrefixComposerFactorySupport class without changing anything from it.
A utility class helping with file-based operations.
Default implementation of RemoteRepositoryFilterManager, it always returns a RemoteRepositoryFilter instance, even if no filter sources enabled/registered (then "always allow" instance).
A default implementation of session builder.
Default SyncContextFactory implementation that uses named locks.
Manages access to a properties file.
Default implementation of VersionFilter.VersionFilterContext.
Given a collection of direct dependencies, recursively gathers their transitive dependencies and calculates the dependency graph.
Helper class for delegate implementations, they MUST subclass this class.
Helper class used during collection.
Publishes artifacts to a remote repository.
Depth-first DependencyCollector (the "original" default).
Wrapping NameMapper, that wraps another NameMapper and adds a "discriminator" as prefix, that makes lock names unique including the hostname and local repository (by default).
The "discriminating" name mapper provider.
Creates enhanced local repository managers for repository types "default" or "" (automatic).
The "file-gav" name mapper provider.
The "file-hgav" name mapper provider.
The "file-static" name mapper provider.
A filtering connector that filter transfers using remote repository filter and delegates to another connector.
Artifact GAV NameMapper, uses artifact and metadata coordinates to name their corresponding locks.
The "gav" name mapper provider.
Remote repository filter source filtering on G coordinate.
Wrapping NameMapper, that wraps another NameMapper and hashes resulting strings.
Publishes artifacts to the local repository.
Internal scope manager.
The mode of resolution scope: eliminate (remove all occurrences) or just remove.
Composes Artifact and Metadata relative paths to be used in LocalRepositoryManager.
Composes path prefixes for EnhancedLocalRepositoryManager.
Creates instances of LocalPathPrefixComposer.
Support class for LocalPathPrefixComposerFactory implementations: it predefines and makes re-usable common configuration getters, and defines a support class for LocalPathPrefixComposer carrying same configuration and providing default implementation for all methods.
Support class for composers: it defines protected members for all the predefined configuration values and provides default implementation for methods.
Retrieves a local repository manager from the installed local repository manager factories.
A dependency graph transformer that refines the request context for nodes that belong to the "project" context by appending the buildpath type to which the node belongs.
A scope deriver for use with ConflictResolver that supports the scopes from ScopeManager.
A scope selector for use with ConflictResolver that supports the scopes from ScopeManager.
Provides a Maven-2 repository layout for repositories with content type "default".
The MD5 checksum type.
Support class to implement ChecksumAlgorithmFactory based on Java MessageDigest.
A metadata generator that participates in the installation/deployment of artifacts.
A factory to create metadata generators.
Resolves metadata, that is gets a local filesystem path to their binary contents.
Adapter to adapt NamedLockFactory and NamedLock to SyncContext.
Default implementation of NamedLockFactoryAdapterFactory.
Component mapping lock names to passed in artifacts and metadata as required.
As end-user "mappers" are actually configurations/compositions and are constructed from several NameMapper implementations, this helper class constructing them.
Sonatype Nexus2 checksum extractor.
Determines whether a remote repository is accessible in offline mode.
A dependency selector that excludes optional dependencies which occur beyond given level.
Remote repository filter source filtering on path prefixes.
Helper class used during collection.
Label for "project path", like "main", "test", but could be "it", etc.
Remote repository filter manager.
Support class for RemoteRepositoryFilterSource implementations.
Simple RemoteRepositoryFilter.Result immutable implementation.
Helps dealing with remote repository definitions.
Retrieves a repository connector from the installed repository connector factories.
Dispatches repository events to registered listeners.
Lifecycle managing component for repository system.
A dependency selector that filters transitive dependencies based on their scope.
Scope manager configuration.
This is a diagnostic tool to dump out scope manager states.
The SHA-1 checksum type.
The SHA-256 checksum type.
The SHA-512 checksum type.
Creates local repository managers for repository type "simple".
Sparse file FileTrustedChecksumsSourceSupport implementation that use specified directory as base directory, where it expects artifacts checksums on standard Maven2 "local" layout.
Static NameMapper, always assigns one same name, effectively becoming equivalent to "static" sync context: always maps ANY input to same name.
The "static" name mapper provider.
Compact file FileTrustedChecksumsSourceSupport implementation that use specified directory as base directory, where it expects a "summary" file named as "checksums.${checksumExt}" for each checksum algorithm.
Manages access to a properties file.
Artifact resolver processor that verifies the checksums of all resolved artifacts against trusted checksums.
Adapter that adapts TrustedChecksumsSource to ProvidedChecksumsSource used by connector.
A request to check if an update of an artifact/metadata from a remote repository is needed.
Determines if updates of artifacts and metadata from remote repositories are needed.
Evaluates update policies.
Parses and evaluates version ranges encountered in dependency declarations.
Evaluates artifact meta/pseudo versions.
Generic checksum extractor that goes for "X-" headers.