Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
61 0 0 0 100% 0.477 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.eclipse.aether.transport.wagon 61 0 0 0 100% 0.477 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
PlexusSupportTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.218 s
StreamWagonTransporterTest 30 0 0 0 100% 0.169 s
WagonTransporterTest 30 0 0 0 100% 0.090 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testExistenceOfPlexusComponentMetadata 0.200 s


testPut_FileHandleLeak 0.079 s
testGet_ProgressCancelled 0.001 s
testInit_CaseInsensitiveProtocol 0.001 s
testGet_FileHandleLeak 0.031 s
testInit_Configuration 0.002 s
testPut_Closed 0.001 s
testInit_UserAgent 0.001 s
testPeek 0.001 s
testGet_Closed 0.001 s
testPut_EmptyResource 0.001 s
testGet_EncodedResourcePath 0.002 s
testPut_StartCancelled 0.001 s
testPut_EncodedResourcePath 0.002 s
testGet_EmptyResource 0.002 s
testGet_StartCancelled 0.002 s
testGet_ToFile 0.002 s
testInit_Proxy 0.002 s
testPeek_NotFound 0.002 s
testPut_FromFile 0.002 s
testInit_BadProtocol 0.002 s
testGet_NotFound 0.002 s
testPut_FromMemory 0.001 s
testClassify 0.001 s
testGet_ToMemory 0.001 s
testPeek_Closed 0.001 s
testInit_Timeout 0.001 s
testInit_ProxyAuth 0.002 s
testInit_ServerAuth 0.001 s
testPut_ProgressCancelled 0.001 s
testPut_NonExistentParentDir 0.001 s


testPut_FileHandleLeak 0.027 s
testGet_ProgressCancelled 0.002 s
testInit_CaseInsensitiveProtocol 0.001 s
testGet_FileHandleLeak 0.021 s
testInit_Configuration 0.001 s
testPut_Closed 0.001 s
testInit_UserAgent 0.001 s
testPeek 0.001 s
testGet_Closed 0.001 s
testPut_EmptyResource 0.002 s
testGet_EncodedResourcePath 0.002 s
testPut_StartCancelled 0.002 s
testPut_EncodedResourcePath 0.001 s
testGet_EmptyResource 0.002 s
testGet_StartCancelled 0.001 s
testGet_ToFile 0.001 s
testInit_Proxy 0.001 s
testPeek_NotFound 0.001 s
testPut_FromFile 0.001 s
testInit_BadProtocol 0 s
testGet_NotFound 0.001 s
testPut_FromMemory 0.001 s
testClassify 0 s
testGet_ToMemory 0.001 s
testPeek_Closed 0.001 s
testInit_Timeout 0.001 s
testInit_ProxyAuth 0.001 s
testInit_ServerAuth 0.001 s
testPut_ProgressCancelled 0.002 s
testPut_NonExistentParentDir 0.001 s