Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.aether
The primary API of the
and its functionality.The types and extension points for collecting the transitive dependencies of an artifact and building a dependency
Support for downloads/uploads using remote repositories that have a URI-based content structure/layout.
The types supporting the publishing of artifacts to a remote repository.
The provisional interfaces defining the various subcomponents that implement the repository system.
The types supporting the publishing of artifacts to a local repository.
The various sub components that collectively implement the repository system.
Internal helper classes for dependency collector.
Utility classes to ease unit testing.
The definition of metadata, that is an auxiliary entity managed by the repository system to locate artifacts.
The definition of various kinds of repositories that host artifacts.
The types supporting the resolution of artifacts and metadata from repositories.
The contract to access artifacts/metadata in remote repositories.
The support infrastructure for repository connectors to apply checksum policies when validating the integrity of
downloaded files.
The contract to locate URI-based resources using custom repository layouts.
The contract to download/upload URI-based resources using custom transport protocols.
The contract for custom local repository implementations.
The contract for synchronization context implementations.
A listener and various exception types dealing with the transfer of a resource between the local system and a remote
Support for downloads/uploads via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Support for downloads that utilize the classpath as "remote" storage.
Support for downloads/uploads using the local filesystem as "remote" storage.
Support for downloads/uploads via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Support for downloads/uploads via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Support for downloads/uploads via the S3 protocol.
Support for downloads/uploads using Apache Maven Wagon.
Miscellaneous utility classes.
Utilities for concurrent task processing.
Various dependency graph transformers for post-processing a dependency graph.
Various version filters for building a dependency graph.
Utilities to build repository and transfer listeners.
Ready-to-use selectors for authentication, proxies and mirrors and a few other repository related utilities.
The definition of a version scheme for parsing and comparing versions.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.apache.maven.resolver.examples.sisuClassDescriptionThe main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.apache.maven.resolver.examples.supplierClassDescriptionThe main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.apache.maven.resolver.examples.utilClassDescriptionA skeleton implementation for custom repository listeners.An event describing an action performed by the repository system.A listener being notified of events from the repository system.The main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.Builder for building
instances. -
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aetherClassDescriptionA legacy repository system session.Caches auxiliary data used during repository access like already processed metadata.An event describing an action performed by the repository system.A builder to create events.The type of the repository event.A listener being notified of events from the repository system.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.Immutable session that is closeable, should be handled as a resource.Builder for building
instances.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.A container for data that is specific to a repository system session.A synchronization context used to coordinate concurrent access to artifacts or metadatas. -
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.collectionClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.connector.basicClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.deploymentClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.generator.gnupgClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.generator.gnupg.loadersClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.generator.sigstoreClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.implClassDescriptionAn event describing an action performed by the repository system.The base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.Immutable session that is closeable, should be handled as a resource.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.installationClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.implClassDescriptionAn event describing an action performed by the repository system.A listener being notified of events from the repository system.The main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.Immutable session that is closeable, should be handled as a resource.Builder for building
instances.A synchronization context used to coordinate concurrent access to artifacts or metadatas. -
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.checksumClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.collectClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.collect.bfClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.collect.dfClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.filterClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.resolutionClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.sessionClassDescriptionCaches auxiliary data used during repository access like already processed metadata.A listener being notified of events from the repository system.The main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.Immutable session that is closeable, should be handled as a resource.Builder for building
instances.A container for data that is specific to a repository system session. -
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.synccontextClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.A synchronization context used to coordinate concurrent access to artifacts or metadatas.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.synccontext.namedClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.A synchronization context used to coordinate concurrent access to artifacts or metadatas.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.test.utilClassDescriptionA legacy repository system session.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.internal.test.util.http
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.metadataClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.repositoryClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.resolutionClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.artifactClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.artifact.decoratorClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.artifact.generatorClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.artifact.transformerClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.checksumsClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.connectorClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.checksumClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.filterClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.layoutClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.transportClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.transport.httpClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.localrepoClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.resolutionClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.spi.synccontextClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.A synchronization context used to coordinate concurrent access to artifacts or metadatas.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.supplierClassDescriptionA listener being notified of events from the repository system.The main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.Builder for building
instances. -
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transferClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.Defines settings and components that control the repository system.A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.apacheClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.classpathClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.fileClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.jdkClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.jettyClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.minioClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.minio.internalClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.transport.wagonClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.utilClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.util.concurrencyClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.util.graph.transformerClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.util.graph.versionClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.util.listenerClassDescriptionA skeleton implementation for custom repository listeners.An event describing an action performed by the repository system.A listener being notified of events from the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.util.repositoryClassDescriptionDefines settings and components that control the repository system.
Classes in org.eclipse.aether used by org.eclipse.aether.versionClassDescriptionThe base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.