Class ChainedWorkspaceReader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ChainedWorkspaceReader extends Object implements WorkspaceReader
A workspace reader that delegates to a chain of other readers, effectively aggregating their contents.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • newInstance Link icon

      public static WorkspaceReader newInstance(WorkspaceReader reader1, WorkspaceReader reader2)
      Creates a new workspace reader by chaining the specified readers. In contrast to the constructor, this factory method will avoid creating an actual chained reader if one of the specified readers is actually null.
      reader1 - The first workspace reader, may be null.
      reader2 - The second workspace reader, may be null.
      The chained reader or null if no workspace reader was supplied.
    • findArtifact Link icon

      public File findArtifact(Artifact artifact)
      Description copied from interface: WorkspaceReader
      Locates the specified artifact.
      Specified by:
      findArtifact in interface WorkspaceReader
      artifact - The artifact to locate, must not be null.
      The path to the artifact or null if the artifact is not available.
    • findVersions Link icon

      public List<String> findVersions(Artifact artifact)
      Description copied from interface: WorkspaceReader
      Determines all available versions of the specified artifact.
      Specified by:
      findVersions in interface WorkspaceReader
      artifact - The artifact whose versions should be listed, must not be null.
      The available versions of the artifact, must not be null.
    • getRepository Link icon

      Description copied from interface: WorkspaceReader
      Gets a description of the workspace repository.
      Specified by:
      getRepository in interface WorkspaceReader
      The repository description, never null.