Class DefaultLocalRepositoryProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Singleton @Named public class DefaultLocalRepositoryProvider extends Object implements LocalRepositoryProvider
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • newLocalRepositoryManager

      public org.eclipse.aether.repository.LocalRepositoryManager newLocalRepositoryManager(org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession session, org.eclipse.aether.repository.LocalRepository repository) throws org.eclipse.aether.repository.NoLocalRepositoryManagerException
      Description copied from interface: LocalRepositoryProvider
      Creates a new manager for the specified local repository. If the specified local repository has no type, the default local repository type of the system will be used. Note: It is expected that this method invocation is one of the last steps of setting up a new session, in particular any configuration properties should have been set already.
      Specified by:
      newLocalRepositoryManager in interface LocalRepositoryProvider
      session - The repository system session from which to configure the manager, must not be null.
      repository - The local repository to create a manager for, must not be null.
      The local repository manager, never null.
      org.eclipse.aether.repository.NoLocalRepositoryManagerException - If the specified repository type is not recognized or no base directory is given.
      See Also:
      • RepositorySystem.newLocalRepositoryManager(RepositorySystemSession, LocalRepository)