An API to write Maven messages to console with styled color content, consistently across whole
Maven ecosystem (Maven itself or any plugin or extension).
MessageBuilder.a(char[] value)
Append content to the message buffer.
MessageBuilder.a(char[] value,
int offset,
int len)
Append content to the message buffer.
Append content to the message buffer.
Append content to the message buffer.
Append content to the message buffer.
Create a default message buffer.
Create a message buffer with an internal buffer of defined size.
Create a message buffer with defined String builder.
Append message content in failure style.
Append formatted content to the buffer.
Append message content in mojo style.
Append newline to the message buffer.
Append message content in project style.
Append message content in strong style.
Append message content in success style.
Append message content in warning style.