Interface SurefireProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SurefireProvider
Interface to be implemented by all Surefire providers.
NOTE: This class is part of the proposed public api for surefire providers for 2.7. It may still be subject to changes, even for minor revisions.
The api covers this interface and all the types reachable from it. And nothing else.

Called in one of three ways: Forkmode = never: getSuites is not called, invoke is called with null parameter Forkmode = once: getSuites is not called, invoke is called with null parameter Forkmode anything else: getSuites is called, invoke is called on new provider instance for each item in getSuites response.
Kristian Rosenvold
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Makes an attempt at cancelling the current run, giving the provider a chance to notify reporting that the remaining tests have been cancelled due to timeout.
    Determines the number of forks.
    invoke(Object forkTestSet)
    Runs a forked test
  • Method Details

    • getSuites

      Iterable<Class<?>> getSuites()
      Determines the number of forks.
      Called when forkmode is different from "never" or "always", allows the provider to define how to behave for the fork.
      An iterator that will trigger one fork per item
    • invoke

      Runs a forked test
      forkTestSet - An item from the iterator in #getSuites. Will be null for forkmode never or always. When this is non-null, the forked process will run only that test and probably not scan the classpath
      A result of the invocation
      ReporterException - When reporting fails
      TestSetFailedException - When testset fails
      InvocationTargetException - fails in ProviderFactory
    • cancel

      void cancel()
      Makes an attempt at cancelling the current run, giving the provider a chance to notify reporting that the remaining tests have been cancelled due to timeout.
      If the provider thinks it can terminate properly it is the responsibility of the invoke method to return a RunResult with a booter code of failure.
      It is up to the provider to find out how to implement this method properly. A provider may also choose to not do anything at all in this method, which means surefire will kill the forked process soon afterwards anyway.
      Will be called on a different thread than the one calling invoke.