All Classes and Interfaces

Base test class for SUREFIRE-580, configuration parameter skipAfterFailureCount.
Abstract test class for Jigsaw tests.
Test files with "Abstract" in their name that aren't really abstract, and abstract classes that don't say "Abstract" in their name
Test project using multiple method patterns, including wildcards in class and method names.
Test additionalClasspathElements
Test report aggregation
Test passing an argLine parameter
Test passing an argLine parameter
Test running a single test with -Dtest=BasicTest
Test failIfNoTests with various forkModes.
Test failIfNoTests
Test failures in @BeforeMethod annotation on TestNg suite
Test @BeforeMethod annotation on TestNg suite
Test TestNG with custom object factory defined.
Test TestNG with custom test runner factory defined.
Test for checking that the output from a forked suite is properly captured even if the suite encounters a severe error.
Test TestNG groups, together with TestNG parallelism
Test TestNG running in the JDK 1.4 JavaDoc style
Test simple TestNG listener and reporter
Test annotation-based TestNG listener
Test TestNG test in a directory with spaces
Test surefire-report on TestNG test
Test simple TestNG suite XML file
Use -Dtest to run a single TestNG test, overriding the suite XML parameter.
Basic suite test using all known versions of TestNG.
Test additionalClasspathElements
Test for checking the order of class path elements
Test additionalClasspathElements
Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
Test basic default configuration, runs the JUnit 3 test in the src/test directory.
Test basic default configuration, runs the JUnit 3 test in the src/test directory.
SUREFIRE-763 Asserts that environment variables are correctly populated using "useSystemClassLoader=false" SUREFIRE-963 Asserts that empty environment variables are read as "".
Test class for SUREFIRE-580, configuration parameter skipAfterFailureCount.
Test class for SUREFIRE-580, configuration parameter skipAfterFailureCount.
Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-639 SUREFIRE-651
Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-639 SUREFIRE-651
Test forkMode
Test forkMode in a multi module project with parallel maven builds
Test forkMode
Test include/exclude from files.
Test include/exclude patterns.
Java Hamcrest Matcher with Regex.
Running Surefire on the top of JDK 9 and should be able to load classes of multiple different Jigsaw modules without error.
Test project using JUnit4.4 (including Hamcrest extensions)
Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
Testing JUnitCoreWrapper with ParallelComputerBuilder.
Testing @net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe with ParallelComputerBuilder.
Tests using the JUnit 47 provider to rerun failing tests with the cucumber runner.
Tests the JUnit 47 provider with the cucumber runner.
Test project using "groups" support
Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
JUnit4 RunListener Integration Test.
JUnit4 RunListener Integration Test.
Adapt the JUnit4 tests which use only annotations to the JUnit3 test suite.
Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
Test project using JUnit4.4 -dep.
JUnit4 RunListener Integration Test.
Enum listing all the JUnit version.
Testing long path of base.dir where Windows CLI crashes.
Encapsulate all needed features to start a maven run
Integration test for SUREFIRE-1733.
SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
A specialized verifier that enforces a standard use case for surefire IT's
Test useManifestOnlyJar option
Test library using a conflicting version of plexus-utils
Test support for POJO tests.
Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-679
Verifies that the providers get the result summary at the bottom of the run correctly, in different forkmodes SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
Verifies the runOrder setting and its effect
Test aggregator as a sibling to child modules; invokes modules as "../child"
IT of smart stack trace parser
"verify" goal ignores "dependenciesToScan" parameter when checking tests existence
Plugin Configuration: parallel=classes
With Surefire 2.15 $ mvn test -Dtest=MyTest#testFoo Results: Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
With Surefire 2.16 $ mvn test -Dtest=MyTest#testFoo
Results: Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
SUREFIRE-1041: An error in a JUnit runner should not lead to an error in Surefire
SUREFIRE-1055 Correct test count in parallel run mode.
Description of SUREFIRE-1080:

There are 9 tests in total in the attached project, and mvn test will show 9 tests run.
The purpose of this IT is to assert that the run order of test classes is according to the settings:
Test surefire-report on TestNG test
SUREFIRE-1136 Correct current working directory propagation in forked mode Note: variables expansion behaves differently on MVN 2.x since not existing variables are resolved to 'null' value so that ${surefire.forkNumber} cannot work.
Test that runtime reported on console matches runtime in XML
SUREFIRE-1152 Assert rerunFailingTestsCount works with test suites
IT for
Fix for TestNG parameter -dataproviderthreadcount.
Surefire 2.19 spawns unnecessary tests in surefire-junit4 provider.
Allow rerunFailingTestsCount, skipAfterFailureCount together
Added included pattern
Test the group filter for TestNG
Report XML should contain system properties of forked JVM.
SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
Test Surefire-146 (forkMode=pertest fails to call setUp)
Test ability to specify a non canonical path as module root
Test charset provider (SUREFIRE-162)
See the JIRA
Integration test for SUREFIRE-1733.
Integration test for SUREFIRE-1733.
Test Surefire-224 (XML test reports are not well-formed when failure message contains quotes)
Test TestNG setup and teardown ordering with parallelism
Verify that Surefire adds Maven dependencies to the Module Path if they provide a service that is use 'd by another JPMS module that is already on the Module Path.
Test for shadefire usage
Integration Tests for SUREFIRE-2036
Test Surefire-224 (XML test reports are not well-formed when failure message contains quotes)
Test Surefire-257 Verifies that surefire does not re-run tests in site build
Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
Test Surefire-376 (TestNG @AfterSuite failures are ignored)
SUREFIRE-377 (When JUnit and TestNG tests are in same project, only one set gets run).
SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
SUREFIRE-500 Asserts correct error handling for the "odd" surefire-500 (and 625) issues.
SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
SUREFIRE-569 Add support for scanning Dependencies for TestClasses
Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
SUREFIRE-1264 Some tests can be lost when running in parallel with parameterized tests

Removed decision making with JUnit3 in TestSet class during Jira activity of SUREFIRE-1264 which results in one hot spot where the test class is determined (see JUnitCoreRunListener#fillTestCountMap()).
Asserts that console output always goes somewhere ;)
SUREFIRE-634 Verifies error message on unsettable system properties
SUREFIRE-673 Asserts that a given mockito build works as it should (classloader problem in 2.7)
SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors
SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors
SUREFIRE-685 Asserts that only the specified tests are run with comma separated includes
SUREFIRE-697 Asserts proper truncation of long exception messages Some say testing this is a bit over the top.
Test Surefire-740 Truncated comma with non us locale
Test Surefire-740 Truncated comma with non us locale
Test Surefire-740 Truncated comma with non us locale
Test Surefire-740 Truncated comma with non us locale
Test Surefire-740 Truncated comma with non us locale
Failsafe should work with early return when no tests s
Contains commonly used features for most tests, encapsulating common use cases.
Encapsulate all needed features to start a surefire run
Also includes thread-safe access to the extracted resource files
Test system properties
Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
JUnit test project using multiple method patterns, including wildcards in class and method names.
TestNG test project using multiple method patterns, including wildcards in class and method names.
Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod+myMethod2,secondClass#testMethod
Test the group filter for TestNG
Test that TestNG's @Test(threadPoolSize = n, invocationCount=n) causes tests to be run in parallel.
Test that TestNG's @Test(successPercentage = n, invocationCount=n) passes so long as successPercentage tests have passed.
Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
Test running two test cases; confirms reporting works correctly
Test a directory with an umlaut
Verifies unicode filenames pass through correctly.
Test useSystemClassLoader option
Test when the configured working directory is an invalid property, SUREFIRE-715
Test working directory configuration, SUREFIRE-416
Test when the configured working directory does not exist, SUREFIRE-607
Test reported runtime