002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
017 * under the License.
018 */
019package org.apache.maven.doxia.module.markdown;
021import java.io.PrintWriter;
022import java.io.Writer;
023import java.util.ArrayList;
024import java.util.Arrays;
025import java.util.Collection;
026import java.util.Collections;
027import java.util.LinkedList;
028import java.util.List;
029import java.util.Queue;
030import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
031import java.util.stream.Collectors;
033import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
034import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
035import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributes;
036import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.impl.AbstractTextSink;
037import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.impl.SinkEventAttributeSet;
038import org.apache.maven.doxia.util.HtmlTools;
039import org.slf4j.Logger;
040import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
043 * Markdown generator implementation.
044 * <br>
045 * <b>Note</b>: The encoding used is UTF-8.
046 */
047public class MarkdownSink extends AbstractTextSink implements MarkdownMarkup {
048    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MarkdownSink.class);
050    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
051    // Instance fields
052    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
054    /**  A buffer that holds the current text when headerFlag or bufferFlag set to <code>true</code>.
055     * The content of this buffer is already escaped. */
056    private StringBuilder buffer;
058    /** author. */
059    private Collection<String> authors;
061    /** title. */
062    private String title;
064    /** date. */
065    private String date;
067    /** linkName. */
068    private String linkName;
070    /** tableHeaderCellFlag, set to {@code true} for table rows containing at least one table header cell */
071    private boolean tableHeaderCellFlag;
073    /** number of cells in a table. */
074    private int cellCount;
076    /** justification of table cells per column. */
077    private List<Integer> cellJustif;
079    /** is header row */
080    private boolean isFirstTableRow;
082    /** The writer to use. */
083    private final PrintWriter writer;
085    /** A temporary writer used to buffer the last two lines */
086    private final LastTwoLinesBufferingWriter bufferingWriter;
088    /** Keep track of end markup for inline events. */
089    protected Queue<Queue<String>> inlineStack = Collections.asLifoQueue(new LinkedList<>());
091    /** The context of the surrounding elements as stack (LIFO) */
092    protected Queue<ElementContext> elementContextStack = Collections.asLifoQueue(new LinkedList<>());
094    private String figureSrc;
096    /** Most important contextual metadata (of the surrounding element) */
097    enum ElementContext {
098        HEAD("head", Type.GENERIC_CONTAINER, null, true),
099        BODY("body", Type.GENERIC_CONTAINER, MarkdownSink::escapeMarkdown),
100        // only the elements, which affect rendering of children and are different from BODY or HEAD are listed here
101        FIGURE("", Type.INLINE, MarkdownSink::escapeMarkdown, true),
102        CODE_BLOCK("code block", Type.LEAF_BLOCK, null, false),
103        CODE_SPAN("code span", Type.INLINE, null),
104        TABLE_CAPTION("table caption", Type.INLINE, MarkdownSink::escapeMarkdown),
105        TABLE_CELL(
106                "table cell",
107                Type.LEAF_BLOCK,
108                MarkdownSink::escapeForTableCell,
109                true), // special type, as allows containing inlines, but not starting on a separate line
110        // same parameters as BODY but paragraphs inside list items are handled differently
111        LIST_ITEM("list item", Type.CONTAINER_BLOCK, MarkdownSink::escapeMarkdown, false, INDENT),
112        BLOCKQUOTE("blockquote", Type.CONTAINER_BLOCK, MarkdownSink::escapeMarkdown, false, BLOCKQUOTE_START_MARKUP);
114        final String name;
116        /**
117         * @see <a href="https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#blocks-and-inlines">CommonMark, 3 Blocks and inlines</a>
118         */
119        enum Type {
120            /**
121             * Container with no special meaning for (nested) child element contexts
122             */
123            GENERIC_CONTAINER,
124            /**
125             * Is supposed to start on a new line, and must have a prefix (for nested blocks)
126             */
127            CONTAINER_BLOCK,
128            /**
129             * Is supposed to start on a new line, must not contain any other block element context (neither leaf nor container)
130             */
131            LEAF_BLOCK,
132            /**
133             * Are not allowed to contain any other element context (i.e. leaf contexts), except for some other inlines (depends on the actual type)
134             */
135            INLINE
136        }
137        /**
138         * {@code true} if block element, otherwise {@code false} for inline elements
139         */
140        final Type type;
142        /**
143         * The function to call to escape the given text. The function is supposed to return the escaped text or return just the given text if no escaping is necessary in this context
144         */
145        final UnaryOperator<String> escapeFunction;
147        /**
148         * if {@code true} requires buffering any text appearing inside this context
149         */
150        final boolean requiresBuffering;
152        /**
153         * prefix to be used for a (nested) block elements inside the current container context (only not empty for {@link #type} being {@link Type#CONTAINER_BLOCK})
154         */
155        final String prefix;
157        /**
158         * Only relevant for block element, if set to {@code true} the element requires to be surrounded by blank lines.
159         */
160        final boolean requiresSurroundingByBlankLines;
162        ElementContext(String name, Type type, UnaryOperator<String> escapeFunction) {
163            this(name, type, escapeFunction, false);
164        }
166        ElementContext(String name, Type type, UnaryOperator<String> escapeFunction, boolean requiresBuffering) {
167            this(name, type, escapeFunction, requiresBuffering, "");
168        }
170        ElementContext(
171                String name,
172                Type type,
173                UnaryOperator<String> escapeFunction,
174                boolean requiresBuffering,
175                String prefix) {
176            this(name, type, escapeFunction, requiresBuffering, prefix, false);
177        }
179        ElementContext(
180                String name,
181                Type type,
182                UnaryOperator<String> escapeFunction,
183                boolean requiresBuffering,
184                String prefix,
185                boolean requiresSurroundingByBlankLines) {
186            this.name = name;
187            this.type = type;
188            this.escapeFunction = escapeFunction;
189            this.requiresBuffering = requiresBuffering;
190            if (type != Type.CONTAINER_BLOCK && prefix.length() != 0) {
191                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only container blocks may define a prefix (for nesting)");
192            }
193            this.prefix = prefix;
194            this.requiresSurroundingByBlankLines = requiresSurroundingByBlankLines;
195        }
197        /**
198         * Must be called for each inline text to be emitted directly within this context (not relevant for nested context)
199         * @param text
200         * @return the escaped text (may be same as {@code text} when no escaping is necessary)
201         */
202        String escape(String text) {
203            // is escaping necessary at all?
204            if (escapeFunction == null) {
205                return text;
206            } else {
207                return escapeFunction.apply(text);
208            }
209        }
211        /**
212         *
213         * @return {@code true} for all block types, {@code false} otherwise
214         */
215        boolean isBlock() {
216            return type == Type.CONTAINER_BLOCK || type == Type.LEAF_BLOCK;
217        }
219        /**
220         *
221         * @return {@code true} for all containers (allowing block elements as children), {@code false} otherwise
222         */
223        boolean isContainer() {
224            return type == Type.CONTAINER_BLOCK || type == Type.GENERIC_CONTAINER;
225        }
226    }
227    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
228    // Public protected methods
229    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
231    /**
232     * Constructor, initialize the Writer and the variables.
233     *
234     * @param writer not null writer to write the result. <b>Should</b> be an UTF-8 Writer.
235     */
236    protected MarkdownSink(Writer writer) {
237        this.bufferingWriter = new LastTwoLinesBufferingWriter(writer);
238        this.writer = new PrintWriter(bufferingWriter);
240        init();
241    }
243    private void endContext(ElementContext expectedContext) {
244        ElementContext removedContext = elementContextStack.remove();
245        if (removedContext != expectedContext) {
246            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected context " + removedContext + ", expected " + expectedContext);
247        }
248        if (removedContext.isBlock()) {
249            endBlock(removedContext.requiresSurroundingByBlankLines);
250        }
251    }
253    private void startContext(ElementContext newContext) {
254        if (newContext.isBlock()) {
255            startBlock(newContext.requiresSurroundingByBlankLines);
256        }
257        elementContextStack.add(newContext);
258    }
260    /**
261     * Ensures that the {@link #writer} is currently at the beginning of a new line.
262     * Optionally writes a line separator to ensure that.
263     */
264    private void ensureBeginningOfLine() {
265        // make sure that we are at the start of a line without adding unnecessary blank lines
266        if (!bufferingWriter.isWriterAtStartOfNewLine()) {
267            writeUnescaped(EOL);
268        }
269    }
271    /**
272     * Ensures that the {@link #writer} is either at the beginning or preceded by a blank line.
273     * Optionally writes a blank line to ensure that.
274     */
275    private void ensureBlankLine() {
276        // prevent duplicate blank lines
277        if (!bufferingWriter.isWriterAfterBlankLine()) {
278            if (bufferingWriter.isWriterAtStartOfNewLine()) {
279                writeUnescaped(EOL);
280            } else {
281                writeUnescaped(BLANK_LINE);
282            }
283        }
284    }
286    private void startBlock(boolean requireBlankLine) {
287        if (requireBlankLine) {
288            ensureBlankLine();
289        } else {
290            ensureBeginningOfLine();
291        }
292        writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
293    }
295    private void endBlock(boolean requireBlankLine) {
296        if (requireBlankLine) {
297            ensureBlankLine();
298        } else {
299            ensureBeginningOfLine();
300        }
301    }
303    private String getContainerLinePrefixes() {
304        StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder();
305        elementContextStack.stream().filter(c -> c.prefix.length() > 0).forEachOrdered(c -> prefix.insert(0, c.prefix));
306        return prefix.toString();
307    }
309    /**
310     * Returns the buffer that holds the current text.
311     *
312     * @return A StringBuffer.
313     */
314    protected StringBuilder getBuffer() {
315        return buffer;
316    }
318    @Override
319    protected void init() {
320        super.init();
322        resetBuffer();
324        this.authors = new LinkedList<>();
325        this.title = null;
326        this.date = null;
327        this.linkName = null;
328        this.tableHeaderCellFlag = false;
329        this.cellCount = 0;
330        this.cellJustif = null;
331        this.elementContextStack.clear();
332        this.inlineStack.clear();
333        // always set a default context (at least for tests not emitting a body)
334        elementContextStack.add(ElementContext.BODY);
335    }
337    /**
338     * Reset the StringBuilder.
339     */
340    protected void resetBuffer() {
341        buffer = new StringBuilder();
342    }
344    @Override
345    public void head(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
346        init();
347        // remove default body context here
348        endContext(ElementContext.BODY);
349        elementContextStack.add(ElementContext.HEAD);
350    }
352    @Override
353    public void head_() {
354        endContext(ElementContext.HEAD);
355        // only write head block if really necessary
356        if (title == null && authors.isEmpty() && date == null) {
357            return;
358        }
359        writeUnescaped(METADATA_MARKUP + EOL);
360        if (title != null) {
361            writeUnescaped("title: " + title + EOL);
362        }
363        if (!authors.isEmpty()) {
364            writeUnescaped("author: " + EOL);
365            for (String author : authors) {
366                writeUnescaped("  - " + author + EOL);
367            }
368        }
369        if (date != null) {
370            writeUnescaped("date: " + date + EOL);
371        }
372        writeUnescaped(METADATA_MARKUP + BLANK_LINE);
373    }
375    @Override
376    public void body(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
377        elementContextStack.add(ElementContext.BODY);
378    }
380    @Override
381    public void body_() {
382        endContext(ElementContext.BODY);
383    }
385    @Override
386    public void title_() {
387        if (buffer.length() > 0) {
388            title = buffer.toString();
389            resetBuffer();
390        }
391    }
393    @Override
394    public void author_() {
395        if (buffer.length() > 0) {
396            authors.add(buffer.toString());
397            resetBuffer();
398        }
399    }
401    @Override
402    public void date_() {
403        if (buffer.length() > 0) {
404            date = buffer.toString();
405            resetBuffer();
406        }
407    }
409    @Override
410    public void sectionTitle(int level, SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
411        if (level > 0) {
412            writeUnescaped(StringUtils.repeat(SECTION_TITLE_START_MARKUP, level) + SPACE);
413        }
414    }
416    @Override
417    public void sectionTitle_(int level) {
418        if (level > 0) {
419            ensureBlankLine(); // always end headings with blank line to increase compatibility with arbitrary MD
420            // editors
421        }
422    }
424    @Override
425    public void list_() {
426        ensureBlankLine();
427    }
429    @Override
430    public void listItem(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
431        startContext(ElementContext.LIST_ITEM);
432        writeUnescaped(LIST_UNORDERED_ITEM_START_MARKUP);
433    }
435    @Override
436    public void listItem_() {
437        endContext(ElementContext.LIST_ITEM);
438    }
440    @Override
441    public void numberedList(int numbering, SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
442        // markdown only supports decimal numbering
443        if (numbering != NUMBERING_DECIMAL) {
444            LOGGER.warn(
445                    "{}Markdown only supports numbered item with decimal style ({}) but requested was style {}, falling back to decimal style",
446                    getLocationLogPrefix(),
447                    NUMBERING_DECIMAL,
448                    numbering);
449        }
450    }
452    @Override
453    public void numberedList_() {
454        writeUnescaped(EOL);
455    }
457    @Override
458    public void numberedListItem(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
459        startContext(ElementContext.LIST_ITEM);
460        writeUnescaped(LIST_ORDERED_ITEM_START_MARKUP);
461    }
463    @Override
464    public void numberedListItem_() {
465        listItem_(); // identical for both numbered and not numbered list item
466    }
468    @Override
469    public void definitionList(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
470        LOGGER.warn(
471                "{}Definition list not natively supported in Markdown, rendering HTML instead", getLocationLogPrefix());
472        ensureBlankLine();
473        writeUnescaped("<dl>" + EOL);
474    }
476    @Override
477    public void definitionList_() {
478        writeUnescaped("</dl>" + BLANK_LINE);
479    }
481    @Override
482    public void definedTerm(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
483        writeUnescaped("<dt>");
484    }
486    @Override
487    public void definedTerm_() {
488        writeUnescaped("</dt>" + EOL);
489    }
491    @Override
492    public void definition(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
493        writeUnescaped("<dd>");
494    }
496    @Override
497    public void definition_() {
498        writeUnescaped("</dd>" + EOL);
499    }
501    @Override
502    public void pageBreak() {
503        LOGGER.warn("Ignoring unsupported page break in Markdown");
504    }
506    @Override
507    public void paragraph(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
508        // ignore paragraphs outside container contexts
509        if (elementContextStack.element().isContainer()) {
510            ensureBlankLine();
511            writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
512        }
513    }
515    @Override
516    public void paragraph_() {
517        // ignore paragraphs outside container contexts
518        if (elementContextStack.element().isContainer()) {
519            ensureBlankLine();
520        }
521    }
523    @Override
524    public void verbatim(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
525        // always assume is supposed to be monospaced (i.e. emitted inside a <pre><code>...</code></pre>)
526        startContext(ElementContext.CODE_BLOCK);
527        writeUnescaped(VERBATIM_START_MARKUP + EOL);
528        writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
529    }
531    @Override
532    public void verbatim_() {
533        ensureBeginningOfLine();
534        writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
535        writeUnescaped(VERBATIM_END_MARKUP + BLANK_LINE);
536        endContext(ElementContext.CODE_BLOCK);
537    }
539    @Override
540    public void blockquote(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
541        startContext(ElementContext.BLOCKQUOTE);
542        writeUnescaped(BLOCKQUOTE_START_MARKUP);
543    }
545    @Override
546    public void blockquote_() {
547        endContext(ElementContext.BLOCKQUOTE);
548    }
550    @Override
551    public void horizontalRule(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
552        ensureBeginningOfLine();
553        writeUnescaped(HORIZONTAL_RULE_MARKUP + BLANK_LINE);
554        writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
555    }
557    @Override
558    public void table(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
559        ensureBlankLine();
560        writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
561    }
563    @Override
564    public void tableRows(int[] justification, boolean grid) {
565        if (justification != null) {
566            cellJustif = Arrays.stream(justification).boxed().collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
567        } else {
568            cellJustif = new ArrayList<>();
569        }
570        // grid flag is not supported
571        isFirstTableRow = true;
572    }
574    @Override
575    public void tableRows_() {
576        cellJustif = null;
577    }
579    @Override
580    public void tableRow(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
581        cellCount = 0;
582    }
584    @Override
585    public void tableRow_() {
586        if (isFirstTableRow && !tableHeaderCellFlag) {
587            // emit empty table header as this is mandatory for GFM table extension
588            // (https://stackoverflow.com/a/17543474/5155923)
589            writeEmptyTableHeader();
590            writeTableDelimiterRow();
591            tableHeaderCellFlag = false;
592            isFirstTableRow = false;
593            // afterwards emit the first row
594        }
596        writeUnescaped(TABLE_ROW_PREFIX);
598        writeUnescaped(buffer.toString());
600        resetBuffer();
602        writeUnescaped(EOL);
604        if (isFirstTableRow) {
605            // emit delimiter row
606            writeTableDelimiterRow();
607            isFirstTableRow = false;
608        }
610        // only reset cell count if this is the last row
611        cellCount = 0;
612    }
614    private void writeEmptyTableHeader() {
615        writeUnescaped(TABLE_ROW_PREFIX);
616        for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
617            writeUnescaped(StringUtils.repeat(String.valueOf(SPACE), 3) + TABLE_CELL_SEPARATOR_MARKUP);
618        }
619        writeUnescaped(EOL);
620        writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
621    }
623    /** Emit the delimiter row which determines the alignment */
624    private void writeTableDelimiterRow() {
625        writeUnescaped(TABLE_ROW_PREFIX);
626        int justification = Sink.JUSTIFY_LEFT;
627        for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
628            // keep previous column's alignment in case too few are specified
629            if (cellJustif != null && cellJustif.size() > i) {
630                justification = cellJustif.get(i);
631            }
632            switch (justification) {
633                case Sink.JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
634                    writeUnescaped(TABLE_COL_RIGHT_ALIGNED_MARKUP);
635                    break;
636                case Sink.JUSTIFY_CENTER:
637                    writeUnescaped(TABLE_COL_CENTER_ALIGNED_MARKUP);
638                    break;
639                default:
640                    writeUnescaped(TABLE_COL_LEFT_ALIGNED_MARKUP);
641                    break;
642            }
643            writeUnescaped(TABLE_CELL_SEPARATOR_MARKUP);
644        }
645        writeUnescaped(EOL);
646    }
648    @Override
649    public void tableCell(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
650        if (attributes != null) {
651            // evaluate alignment attributes
652            final int cellJustification;
653            if (attributes.containsAttributes(SinkEventAttributeSet.LEFT)) {
654                cellJustification = Sink.JUSTIFY_LEFT;
655            } else if (attributes.containsAttributes(SinkEventAttributeSet.RIGHT)) {
656                cellJustification = Sink.JUSTIFY_RIGHT;
657            } else if (attributes.containsAttributes(SinkEventAttributeSet.CENTER)) {
658                cellJustification = Sink.JUSTIFY_CENTER;
659            } else {
660                cellJustification = -1;
661            }
662            if (cellJustification > -1) {
663                if (cellJustif.size() > cellCount) {
664                    cellJustif.set(cellCount, cellJustification);
665                } else if (cellJustif.size() == cellCount) {
666                    cellJustif.add(cellJustification);
667                } else {
668                    // create non-existing justifications for preceding columns
669                    for (int precedingCol = cellJustif.size(); precedingCol < cellCount; precedingCol++) {
670                        cellJustif.add(Sink.JUSTIFY_LEFT);
671                    }
672                    cellJustif.add(cellJustification);
673                }
674            }
675        }
676        elementContextStack.add(ElementContext.TABLE_CELL);
677    }
679    @Override
680    public void tableHeaderCell(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
681        tableCell(attributes);
682        tableHeaderCellFlag = true;
683    }
685    @Override
686    public void tableCell_() {
687        endTableCell();
688    }
690    @Override
691    public void tableHeaderCell_() {
692        endTableCell();
693    }
695    /**
696     * Ends a table cell.
697     */
698    private void endTableCell() {
699        endContext(ElementContext.TABLE_CELL);
700        buffer.append(TABLE_CELL_SEPARATOR_MARKUP);
701        cellCount++;
702    }
704    @Override
705    public void tableCaption(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
706        elementContextStack.add(ElementContext.TABLE_CAPTION);
707    }
709    @Override
710    public void tableCaption_() {
711        endContext(ElementContext.TABLE_CAPTION);
712    }
714    @Override
715    public void figure(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
716        figureSrc = null;
717        elementContextStack.add(ElementContext.FIGURE);
718    }
720    @Override
721    public void figureGraphics(String name, SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
722        figureSrc = escapeMarkdown(name);
723        // is it a standalone image (outside a figure)?
724        if (elementContextStack.peek() != ElementContext.FIGURE) {
725            Object alt = attributes.getAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.ALT);
726            if (alt == null) {
727                alt = "";
728            }
729            writeImage(escapeMarkdown(alt.toString()), name);
730        }
731    }
733    @Override
734    public void figure_() {
735        endContext(ElementContext.FIGURE);
736        writeImage(buffer.toString(), figureSrc);
737    }
739    private void writeImage(String alt, String src) {
740        writeUnescaped("![");
741        writeUnescaped(alt);
742        writeUnescaped("](" + src + ")");
743    }
745    /** {@inheritDoc} */
746    public void anchor(String name, SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
747        // write(ANCHOR_START_MARKUP + name);
748        // TODO get implementation from Xhtml5 base sink
749    }
751    @Override
752    public void anchor_() {
753        // write(ANCHOR_END_MARKUP);
754    }
756    /** {@inheritDoc} */
757    public void link(String name, SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
758        writeUnescaped(LINK_START_1_MARKUP);
759        linkName = name;
760    }
762    @Override
763    public void link_() {
764        writeUnescaped(LINK_START_2_MARKUP);
765        text(linkName.startsWith("#") ? linkName.substring(1) : linkName);
766        writeUnescaped(LINK_END_MARKUP);
767        linkName = null;
768    }
770    @Override
771    public void inline(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
772        Queue<String> endMarkups = Collections.asLifoQueue(new LinkedList<>());
774        if (attributes != null
775                && elementContextStack.element() != ElementContext.CODE_BLOCK
776                && elementContextStack.element() != ElementContext.CODE_SPAN) {
777            // code excludes other styles in markdown
778            if (attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.SEMANTICS, "code")
779                    || attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.SEMANTICS, "monospaced")
780                    || attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.STYLE, "monospaced")) {
781                writeUnescaped(MONOSPACED_START_MARKUP);
782                endMarkups.add(MONOSPACED_END_MARKUP);
783                elementContextStack.add(ElementContext.CODE_SPAN);
784            } else {
785                // in XHTML "<em>" is used, but some tests still rely on the outdated "<italic>"
786                if (attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.SEMANTICS, "em")
787                        || attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.SEMANTICS, "italic")
788                        || attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.STYLE, "italic")) {
789                    writeUnescaped(ITALIC_START_MARKUP);
790                    endMarkups.add(ITALIC_END_MARKUP);
791                }
792                // in XHTML "<strong>" is used, but some tests still rely on the outdated "<bold>"
793                if (attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.SEMANTICS, "strong")
794                        || attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.SEMANTICS, "bold")
795                        || attributes.containsAttribute(SinkEventAttributes.STYLE, "bold")) {
796                    writeUnescaped(BOLD_START_MARKUP);
797                    endMarkups.add(BOLD_END_MARKUP);
798                }
799            }
800        }
801        inlineStack.add(endMarkups);
802    }
804    @Override
805    public void inline_() {
806        for (String endMarkup : inlineStack.remove()) {
807            if (endMarkup.equals(MONOSPACED_END_MARKUP)) {
808                endContext(ElementContext.CODE_SPAN);
809            }
810            writeUnescaped(endMarkup);
811        }
812    }
814    @Override
815    public void italic() {
816        inline(SinkEventAttributeSet.Semantics.ITALIC);
817    }
819    @Override
820    public void italic_() {
821        inline_();
822    }
824    @Override
825    public void bold() {
826        inline(SinkEventAttributeSet.Semantics.BOLD);
827    }
829    @Override
830    public void bold_() {
831        inline_();
832    }
834    @Override
835    public void monospaced() {
836        inline(SinkEventAttributeSet.Semantics.CODE);
837    }
839    @Override
840    public void monospaced_() {
841        inline_();
842    }
844    @Override
845    public void lineBreak(SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
846        if (elementContextStack.element() == ElementContext.CODE_BLOCK) {
847            writeUnescaped(EOL);
848        } else {
849            writeUnescaped("" + SPACE + SPACE + EOL);
850        }
851        writeUnescaped(getContainerLinePrefixes());
852    }
854    @Override
855    public void nonBreakingSpace() {
856        writeUnescaped(NON_BREAKING_SPACE_MARKUP);
857    }
859    @Override
860    public void text(String text, SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
861        if (attributes != null) {
862            inline(attributes);
863        }
864        ElementContext currentContext = elementContextStack.element();
865        if (currentContext == ElementContext.TABLE_CAPTION) {
866            // table caption cannot even be emitted via XHTML in markdown as there is no suitable location
867            LOGGER.warn("{}Ignoring unsupported table caption in Markdown", getLocationLogPrefix());
868        } else {
869            String unifiedText = currentContext.escape(unifyEOLs(text));
870            writeUnescaped(unifiedText);
871        }
872        if (attributes != null) {
873            inline_();
874        }
875    }
877    @Override
878    public void rawText(String text) {
879        writeUnescaped(text);
880    }
882    @Override
883    public void comment(String comment) {
884        rawText(COMMENT_START + comment + COMMENT_END);
885    }
887    /**
888     * {@inheritDoc}
889     *
890     * Unknown events just log a warning message but are ignored otherwise.
891     * @see org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink#unknown(String,Object[],SinkEventAttributes)
892     */
893    @Override
894    public void unknown(String name, Object[] requiredParams, SinkEventAttributes attributes) {
895        LOGGER.warn("{}Unknown Sink event '" + name + "', ignoring!", getLocationLogPrefix());
896    }
898    /**
899     *
900     * @return {@code true} if any of the parent contexts require buffering
901     */
902    private boolean requiresBuffering() {
903        return elementContextStack.stream().anyMatch(c -> c.requiresBuffering);
904    }
906    protected void writeUnescaped(String text) {
907        if (requiresBuffering()) {
908            buffer.append(text);
909        } else {
910            writer.write(text);
911        }
912    }
914    @Override
915    public void flush() {
916        writer.flush();
917    }
919    @Override
920    public void close() {
921        writer.close();
923        init();
924    }
926    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
927    // Private methods
928    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
930    /**
931     * First use XML escaping (leveraging the predefined entities, for browsers)
932     * afterwards escape special characters in a text with a leading backslash (for markdown parsers)
933     *
934     * <pre>
935     * \, `, *, _, {, }, [, ], (, ), #, +, -, ., !
936     * </pre>
937     *
938     * @param text the String to escape, may be null
939     * @return the text escaped, "" if null String input
940     * @see <a href="https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#backslash">Backslash Escapes</a>
941     */
942    private static String escapeMarkdown(String text) {
943        if (text == null) {
944            return "";
945        }
946        text = HtmlTools.escapeHTML(text, true); // assume UTF-8 output, i.e. only use the mandatory XML entities
947        int length = text.length();
948        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(length);
950        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
951            char c = text.charAt(i);
952            switch (c) {
953                case '\\':
954                case '`':
955                case '*':
956                case '_':
957                case '{':
958                case '}':
959                case '[':
960                case ']':
961                case '(':
962                case ')':
963                case '#':
964                case '+':
965                case '-':
966                case '.':
967                case '!':
968                    buffer.append('\\');
969                    buffer.append(c);
970                    break;
971                default:
972                    buffer.append(c);
973            }
974        }
976        return buffer.toString();
977    }
979    /**
980     * Escapes the pipe character according to <a href="https://github.github.com/gfm/#tables-extension-">GFM Table Extension</a> in addition
981     * to the regular markdown escaping.
982     * @param text
983     * @return the escaped text
984     * @see {@link #escapeMarkdown(String)
985     */
986    private static String escapeForTableCell(String text) {
988        return escapeMarkdown(text).replace("|", "\\|");
989    }