Interface IndexUpdateSideEffect

public interface IndexUpdateSideEffect
Ability to spread index updates to (possible) plugin receivers. (NEXUS-2644) Implement this as Plexus component to add new behaviour.
Toni Menzel
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    updateIndex( directory, IndexingContext context, boolean partial)
    Given a full or partial (see context partial parameter) lucene index (directory + context it has been integrated into), this can let other participants (implementations of this type) know about the update.
  • Method Details

    • updateIndex

      void updateIndex( directory, IndexingContext context, boolean partial)
      Given a full or partial (see context partial parameter) lucene index (directory + context it has been integrated into), this can let other participants (implementations of this type) know about the update. Any activity should not influence the callers further process (not fail via unchecked exception) if possible. Implementations are most likely optional plugins.
      directory - - the directory to merge
      context - - original context
      partial - - this update is partial (true) or a full update (false).