Creating a site

You can create a site either by using maven-archetype-site-simple or maven-archetype-site. You just need to set your maven project's groupId and artifactId.

To jump start a simple site, choose maven-archetype-site-simple,

mvn archetype:create 
  -DgroupId=[your project's group id]
  -DartifactId=[your project's artifact id]

and it will generate a maven project with the following contents.

 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       `-- site
 |           |-- apt
 |           |   `-- index.apt
 |           `-- site.xml
  `-- pom.xml

The index.apt produced is of "Almost Plain Text" format which is used for documentation (To learn more about the APT Format, kindly refer to the APT Format Guide).

But to create a more complete version of a site, use maven-archetype-site.

mvn archetype:create 
  -DgroupId=[your project's group id]
  -DartifactId=[your project's artifact id]

This would then create a maven project.

 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       `-- site
 |           |-- apt
 |           |   |-- format.apt
 |           |   `-- index.apt
 |           |-- fml
 |           |   `-- faq.fml
 |           |-- fr
 |           |   |-- apt
 |           |   |   |-- format.apt
 |           |   |   `-- index.apt
 |           |   |-- fml
 |           |   |   `-- faq.fml
 |           |   `-- xdoc
 |           |       `-- xdoc.xml
 |           |-- xdoc
 |           |   `-- xdoc.xml
 |           |-- site.xml
 |           `-- site_fr.xml
  `-- pom.xml

Furthermore, both archetypes are capable of creating archetype containers over an existing maven project. For example, if we first create a simple j2ee maven project.

mvn archetype:create 

We would have the following contents for our maven project.

 |-- ear
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- ejb
 |   |-- src   
 |   |   `-- main
 |   |       `-- resources
 |   |           `-- META-INF
 |   |               `-- ejb-jar.xml
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- primary-source
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- projects
 |   |-- logging
 |   |   `-- pom.xml
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- servlets
 |   |-- servlet
 |   |   |-- src
 |   |   |   `-- main
 |   |   |       `-- webapp
 |   |   |            |-- WEB-INF
 |   |   |            |   `-- web.xml
 |   |   |            `-- index.jsp
 |   |   `-- pom.xml
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       `-- resources
  `-- pom.xml

And if we envoke the following commands from the same directory.

mvn archetype:create 

The contents of the site archetype would then insert itself with that of the existing maven project.

 |-- ear
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- ejb
 |   |-- src   
 |   |   `-- main
 |   |       `-- resources
 |   |           `-- META-INF
 |   |               `-- ejb-jar.xml
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- primary-source
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- projects
 |   |-- logging
 |   |   `-- pom.xml
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- servlets
 |   |-- servlet
 |   |   |-- src
 |   |   |   `-- main
 |   |   |       `-- webapp
 |   |   |            |-- WEB-INF
 |   |   |            |   `-- web.xml
 |   |   |            `-- index.jsp
 |   |   `-- pom.xml
 |   `-- pom.xml
 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       |-- resources
 |       `-- site
 |           |-- apt
 |           |   |-- format.apt
 |           |   `-- index.apt
 |           |-- fml
 |           |   `-- faq.fml
 |           |-- fr
 |           |   |-- apt
 |           |   |   |-- format.apt
 |           |   |   `-- index.apt
 |           |   |-- fml
 |           |   |   `-- faq.fml
 |           |   `-- xdoc
 |           |       `-- xdoc.xml
 |           |-- xdoc
 |           |   `-- xdoc.xml
 |           |-- site.xml
 |           `-- site_fr.xml
  `-- pom.xml

while retaining the existing maven project's pom.