Class Repository

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Repository
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Deprecated since model version 2.1.1. Defines a Maven repository to be included in the assembly. The artifacts available to be included in a repository are your project's dependency artifacts. The repository created contains the needed metadata entries and also contains both sha1 and md5 checksums. This is useful for creating archives which will be deployed to internal repositories.

    NOTE: Currently, only artifacts from the central repository are allowed.

    $Revision$ $Date$
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Repository

        public Repository()
    • Method Detail

      • addExclude

        public void addExclude​(String string)
        Method addExclude.
        string - a string object.
      • addGroupVersionAlignment

        public void addGroupVersionAlignment​(GroupVersionAlignment groupVersionAlignment)
        Method addGroupVersionAlignment.
        groupVersionAlignment - a groupVersionAlignment object.
      • addInclude

        public void addInclude​(String string)
        Method addInclude.
        string - a string object.
      • getDirectoryMode

        public String getDirectoryMode()
        Get similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory mode of the directories included. THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE. Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each component is a sum of Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1. For example, the value 0755 translates to User read-write, Group and Other read-only. The default value is 0755. (more on unix-style permissions)
      • getExcludes

        public List<String> getExcludes()
        Method getExcludes.
      • getFileMode

        public String getFileMode()
        Get similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode of the files included. THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE. Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each component is a sum of Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1. For example, the value 0644 translates to User read-write, Group and Other read-only. The default value is 0644. (more on unix-style permissions)
      • getGroupVersionAlignments

        public List<GroupVersionAlignment> getGroupVersionAlignments()
        Method getGroupVersionAlignments.
      • getIncludes

        public List<String> getIncludes()
        Method getIncludes.
      • getOutputDirectory

        public String getOutputDirectory()
        Get sets the output directory relative to the root of the root directory of the assembly. For example, "log" will put the specified files in the log directory, directly beneath the root of the archive.
      • getScope

        public String getScope()
        Get specifies the scope for artifacts included in this repository. Default scope value is "runtime". (Since 2.2).
      • isIncludeMetadata

        public boolean isIncludeMetadata()
        Get if set to true, this property will trigger the creation of repository metadata which will allow the repository to be used as a functional remote repository. Default value is false.
      • removeExclude

        public void removeExclude​(String string)
        Method removeExclude.
        string - a string object.
      • removeGroupVersionAlignment

        public void removeGroupVersionAlignment​(GroupVersionAlignment groupVersionAlignment)
        Method removeGroupVersionAlignment.
        groupVersionAlignment - a groupVersionAlignment object.
      • removeInclude

        public void removeInclude​(String string)
        Method removeInclude.
        string - a string object.
      • setDirectoryMode

        public void setDirectoryMode​(String directoryMode)
        Set similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory mode of the directories included. THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE. Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each component is a sum of Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1. For example, the value 0755 translates to User read-write, Group and Other read-only. The default value is 0755. (more on unix-style permissions)
        directoryMode - a directoryMode object.
      • setExcludes

        public void setExcludes​(List<String> excludes)
        Set when <exclude> subelements are present, they define a set of dependency artifact coordinates to exclude. If none is present, then <excludes> represents no exclusions. Artifact coordinates may be given in simple groupId:artifactId form, or they may be fully qualified in the form groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]:version. Additionally, wildcards can be used, as in *:maven-*.
        excludes - a excludes object.
      • setFileMode

        public void setFileMode​(String fileMode)
        Set similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode of the files included. THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE. Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each component is a sum of Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1. For example, the value 0644 translates to User read-write, Group and Other read-only. The default value is 0644. (more on unix-style permissions)
        fileMode - a fileMode object.
      • setGroupVersionAlignments

        public void setGroupVersionAlignments​(List<GroupVersionAlignment> groupVersionAlignments)
        Set specifies that you want to align a group of artifacts to a specified version. A groupVersionAlignment is specified by providing one or more of <groupVersionAlignment> subelements.
        groupVersionAlignments - a groupVersionAlignments object
      • setIncludeMetadata

        public void setIncludeMetadata​(boolean includeMetadata)
        Set if set to true, this property will trigger the creation of repository metadata which will allow the repository to be used as a functional remote repository. Default value is false.
        includeMetadata - a includeMetadata object.
      • setIncludes

        public void setIncludes​(List<String> includes)
        Set when <include> subelements are present, they define a set of artifact coordinates to include. If none is present, then <includes> represents all valid values. Artifact coordinates may be given in simple groupId:artifactId form, or they may be fully qualified in the form groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]:version. Additionally, wildcards can be used, as in *:maven-*.
        includes - a includes object.
      • setOutputDirectory

        public void setOutputDirectory​(String outputDirectory)
        Set sets the output directory relative to the root of the root directory of the assembly. For example, "log" will put the specified files in the log directory, directly beneath the root of the archive.
        outputDirectory - a outputDirectory object.
      • setScope

        public void setScope​(String scope)
        Set specifies the scope for artifacts included in this repository. Default scope value is "runtime". (Since 2.2).
        scope - a scope object.