Class CollectDependenciesMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.maven.plugin.ContextEnabled, org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo

@Mojo(name="collect", requiresDependencyCollection=TEST, defaultPhase=GENERATE_SOURCES, threadSafe=true) public class CollectDependenciesMojo extends ResolveDependenciesMojo

Goal that collects the project dependencies from the repository. This goal requires Maven 3.0 or higher to function because it uses "requiresDependencyCollection". This means that it lists the groupId:artifactId:version information by downloading the pom files without downloading the actual artifacts such as jar files.

This is very useful when full dependency resolution might fail due to projects which haven't been built yet.

It is identical to resolve except for using the requiresDependencyCollection annotation attribute instead of requiresDependencyResolution.

Eric Pabst, Brian Fox
  • Constructor Details

    • CollectDependenciesMojo

      public CollectDependenciesMojo()