The Deploy Plugin has two basic functions. In most project builds, the deploy phase of the build lifecycle is implemented using the deploy:deploy mojo. Also, artifacts which are not built using Maven can be added to any remote repository using the deploy:deploy-file mojo.
In most cases, this mojo is invoked when you call the deploy phase of the default build lifecycle.
To enable this mojo to function, you must include a valid <distributionManagement/> section POM, which at the minimum provides a <repository/> defining the remote repository location for your artifact. To separate snapshot artifacts from release artifacts, you can also specify a <snapshotRepository/> location. Finally, to deploy a project website, you must specify a <site/> section here as well. It's also important to note that this section can be inherited, allowing you to specify the deployment location one time for a set of related projects.
If your repository is secured, you may also want to configure your settings.xml file to define corresponding <server/> entries which provides authentication information. Server entries are matched to the different parts of the distributionManagement using their <id/> elements. For example, your project may have a distributionManagement section similar to the following:
[...] <distributionManagement> <repository> <id>internal.repo</id> <name>MyCo Internal Repository</name> <url>Host to Company Repository</url> </repository> </distributionManagement> [...]
In this case, you can specify a server definition in your settings.xml to provide authentication information for both of these repositories at once. Your server section might look like this:
[...] <server> <id>internal.repo</id> <username>maven</username> <password>foobar</password> </server> [...]
Unfortunately, Maven doesn't currently support hashed or encrypted passwords in the settings.xml .
Once you've configured your repository deployment information correctly deploying your project's artifact will only require invocation of the deploy phase of the build:
mvn deploy
The deploy:deploy-file mojo is used primarily for deploying artifacts to which were not built by Maven. The project's development team may or may not provide a POM for the artifact, and in some cases you may want to deploy the artifact to an internal remote repository. The deploy-file mojo provides functionality covering all of these use cases, and offers a wide range of configurability for generating a POM on-the-fly. Additionally, you can specify what layout your repository uses. The full usage statement of the deploy-file mojo can be described as:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file://C:\m2-repo \ \ -Dfile=your-artifact-1.0.jar \ [-DpomFile=your-pom.xml] \ [] \ [-DartifactId=your-artifact] \ [-Dversion=1.0] \ [-Dpackaging=jar] \ [-Dclassifier=test] \ [-DgeneratePom=true] \ [-DgeneratePom.description="My Project Description"] \ [-DrepositoryLayout=legacy] \ [-DuniqueVersion=false]
If the following required information is not specified in some way, the goal will fail: