All Classes and Interfaces

Base class with the things that should be in AbstractMavenReport anyway.
Avatar provider API.
Generates the Project Continuous Integration Management report.
Renderer the dependencies report.
Generates the Project Dependencies report.
Wrap DependenciesReport Mojo parameters.
Generates the Project Dependency Convergence report for (reactor) builds.
Generates code snippets of the Maven coordinates to be added to build tools.
Generates the Project Dependency Management report.
Generates the Project Distribution Management report.
Display help information on maven-project-info-reports-plugin.
Call mvn project-info-reports:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Generates the Project Index report.
Generates the Project Issue Management report.
License mapping
Generates the Project Licenses report.
Generates the Mailing Lists report.
Internal renderer class
Generates the Project Modules report.
Generates the Project Plugin Management report.
Internal renderer class
Generates the Project Plugins report.
Internal renderer class
Utilities methods.
Utility methods to play with repository.
Generates the Project Source Code Management (SCM) report.
A dependency node visitor that serializes visited nodes to a sink writer.
Generates the Project Summary report.
Generates the Project Team report.