String action
String dev
This can be either the id of the developer, as specified in the developers section of the pom.xml file, or the name of the developer. If you generate a changes report and specify the id of the developer, a link is created to that developer in the team-list.html page.
String dueTo
String dueToEmail
String issue
The Changes plugin will generate a URL out of this id. The URL is constructed using the value of the issueLinkTemplate parameter.
See the changes-report mojo for more details.
String type
String system
The Changes plugin will generate a URL out of this id. The URL is constructed using the value of the issueLinkTemplatePerSystem parameter.
See the changes-report mojo for more details.
String date
List<E> fixedIssues
List<E> dueTos
Properties properties
Body body
String modelEncoding
String issue
The Changes plugin will generate a URL out of this id. The URL is constructed using the value of the issueLinkTemplate parameter.
See the changes-report mojo for more details.
String version
String dateRelease
This field can be any string, such as "in SVN" when the version isn't yet released but the ISO 8601 date format is recommended.
String description
List<E> actions
List<E> components
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