Interface ArtifactDeployer

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        static final String ROLE
    • Method Detail

      • deploy

        void deploy​(String basedir,
                    String finalName,
                    Artifact artifact,
                    ArtifactRepository deploymentRepository,
                    ArtifactRepository localRepository)
             throws ArtifactDeploymentException
        to be removed before 2.0 after the install/deploy plugins use the alternate method
        Deploy an artifact from a particular directory. The artifact handler is used to determine the filename of the source file.
        basedir - the directory where the artifact is stored
        finalName - the name of the artifact without extension
        artifact - the artifact definition
        deploymentRepository - the repository to deploy to
        localRepository - the local repository to install into
        ArtifactDeploymentException - if an error occurred deploying the artifact