Interface MavenProjectHelper

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MavenProjectHelper
    Convenience interface for plugins to add or replace artifacts and resources on projects.
    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        static final String ROLE
    • Method Detail

      • attachArtifact

        void attachArtifact​(MavenProject project,
                            String artifactType,
                            String artifactClassifier,
                            File artifactFile)
        Add or replace an artifact to the current project.
        project - the project reference.
        artifactType - the type (e.g. jar) or null.
        artifactClassifier - the classifier or null.
        artifactFile - the file for the artifact.
      • addResource

        void addResource​(MavenProject project,
                         String resourceDirectory,
                         List<String> includes,
                         List<String> excludes)
        Add a resource directory to the project.
        project - project reference.
        resourceDirectory - directory.
        includes - include patterns.
        excludes - exclude patterns.
      • addTestResource

        void addTestResource​(MavenProject project,
                             String resourceDirectory,
                             List<String> includes,
                             List<String> excludes)
        Add a test resource directory to the project.
        project - project reference.
        resourceDirectory - directory.
        includes - include patterns.
        excludes - exclude patterns.