Class ReleaseArtifactTransformation

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReleaseArtifactTransformation

        public ReleaseArtifactTransformation()
    • Method Detail

      • transformForInstall

        public void transformForInstall​(Artifact artifact,
                                        ArtifactRepository localRepository)
        Description copied from interface: ArtifactTransformation
        Take in a artifact and return the transformed artifact for locating in the local repository. If no transformation has occurred the original artifact is returned.
        artifact - Artifact to be transformed.
        localRepository - the local repository it will be stored in
      • transformForDeployment

        public void transformForDeployment​(Artifact artifact,
                                           ArtifactRepository remoteRepository,
                                           ArtifactRepository localRepository)
        Description copied from interface: ArtifactTransformation
        Take in a artifact and return the transformed artifact for distributing to remote repository. If no transformation has occurred the original artifact is returned.
        artifact - Artifact to be transformed.
        remoteRepository - the repository to deploy to
        localRepository - the local repository