001    package org.apache.maven.model.resolution;
003    /*
004     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
005     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
006     * distributed with this work for additional information
007     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
008     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
009     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
010     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
011     *
012     *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
013     *
014     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
015     * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
017     * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
018     * specific language governing permissions and limitations
019     * under the License.
020     */
022    import org.apache.maven.model.Repository;
023    import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelSource;
025    /**
026     * Resolves a POM from its coordinates. During the build process, the
027     * {@link org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuilder} will add any relevant repositories to the model resolver. In
028     * other words, the model resolver is stateful and should not be reused across multiple model building requests.
029     *
030     * @author Benjamin Bentmann
031     */
032    public interface ModelResolver
033    {
035        /**
036         * Tries to resolve the POM for the specified coordinates.
037         *
038         * @param groupId The group identifier of the POM, must not be {@code null}.
039         * @param artifactId The artifact identifier of the POM, must not be {@code null}.
040         * @param version The version of the POM, must not be {@code null}.
041         * @return The source of the requested POM, never {@code null}.
042         * @throws UnresolvableModelException If the POM could not be resolved from any configured repository.
043         */
044        ModelSource resolveModel( String groupId, String artifactId, String version )
045            throws UnresolvableModelException;
047        /**
048         * Adds a repository to use for subsequent resolution requests. The order in which repositories are added matters,
049         * repositories that were added first should also be searched first. When multiple repositories with the same
050         * identifier are added, only the first repository being added will be used.
051         *
052         * @param repository The repository to add to the internal search chain, must not be {@code null}.
053         * @throws InvalidRepositoryException If the repository could not be added (e.g. due to invalid URL or layout).
054         */
055        void addRepository( Repository repository )
056            throws InvalidRepositoryException;
058        /**
059         * Clones this resolver for usage in a forked resolution process. In general, implementors need not provide a deep
060         * clone. The only requirement is that invocations of {@link #addRepository(Repository)} on the clone do not affect
061         * the state of the original resolver and vice versa.
062         *
063         * @return The cloned resolver, never {@code null}.
064         */
065        ModelResolver newCopy();
067    }