001    // =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
002    // Generated by Modello 1.7,
003    // any modifications will be overwritten.
004    // ==============================================================
006    package org.apache.maven.model;
008    /**
009     * Contains the configuration information of the container like
010     * Plugin.
011     * 
012     * @version $Revision$ $Date$
013     */
014    @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
015    public class ConfigurationContainer
016        implements java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Cloneable, org.apache.maven.model.InputLocationTracker
017    {
019          //--------------------------/
020         //- Class/Member Variables -/
021        //--------------------------/
023        /**
024         * 
025         *             
026         *             Whether any configuration should be propagated
027         * to child POMs. Note: While the type
028         *             of this field is <code>String</code> for
029         * technical reasons, the semantic type is actually
030         *             <code>Boolean</code>. Default value is
031         * <code>true</code>.
032         *             
033         *           
034         */
035        private String inherited;
037        /**
038         * 
039         *             
040         *             <p>The configuration as DOM object.</p>
041         *             <p>By default, every element content is trimmed,
042         * but starting with Maven 3.1.0, you can add
043         *             <code>xml:space="preserve"</code> to elements
044         * you want to preserve whitespace.</p>
045         *             <p>You can control how child POMs inherit
046         * configuration from parent POMs by adding
047         * <code>combine.children</code>
048         *             or <code>combine.self</code> attributes to the
049         * children of the configuration element:</p>
050         *             <ul>
051         *             <li><code>combine.children</code>: available
052         * values are <code>merge</code> (default) and
053         * <code>append</code>,</li>
054         *             <li><code>combine.self</code>: available values
055         * are <code>merge</code> (default) and
056         * <code>override</code>.</li>
057         *             </ul>
058         *             <p>See <a
059         * href="http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Plugins">POM
060         * Reference documentation</a> and
061         *             <a
062         * href="http://plexus.codehaus.org/plexus-utils/apidocs/org/codehaus/plexus/util/xml/Xpp3DomUtils.html">Xpp3DomUtils</a>
063         *             for more information.</p>
064         *             
065         *           
066         */
067        private Object configuration;
069        /**
070         * Field locations.
071         */
072        private java.util.Map<Object, InputLocation> locations;
075          //-----------/
076         //- Methods -/
077        //-----------/
079        /**
080         * Method clone.
081         * 
082         * @return ConfigurationContainer
083         */
084        public ConfigurationContainer clone()
085        {
086            try
087            {
088                ConfigurationContainer copy = (ConfigurationContainer) super.clone();
090                if ( this.configuration != null )
091                {
092                    copy.configuration = new org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom( (org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom) this.configuration );
093                }
095                if ( copy.locations != null )
096                {
097                    copy.locations = new java.util.LinkedHashMap( copy.locations );
098                }
100                return copy;
101            }
102            catch ( java.lang.Exception ex )
103            {
104                throw (java.lang.RuntimeException) new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException( getClass().getName()
105                    + " does not support clone()" ).initCause( ex );
106            }
107        } //-- ConfigurationContainer clone()
109        /**
110         * Get <p>The configuration as DOM object.</p>
111         *             <p>By default, every element content is trimmed,
112         * but starting with Maven 3.1.0, you can add
113         *             <code>xml:space="preserve"</code> to elements
114         * you want to preserve whitespace.</p>
115         *             <p>You can control how child POMs inherit
116         * configuration from parent POMs by adding
117         * <code>combine.children</code>
118         *             or <code>combine.self</code> attributes to the
119         * children of the configuration element:</p>
120         *             <ul>
121         *             <li><code>combine.children</code>: available
122         * values are <code>merge</code> (default) and
123         * <code>append</code>,</li>
124         *             <li><code>combine.self</code>: available values
125         * are <code>merge</code> (default) and
126         * <code>override</code>.</li>
127         *             </ul>
128         *             <p>See <a
129         * href="http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Plugins">POM
130         * Reference documentation</a> and
131         *             <a
132         * href="http://plexus.codehaus.org/plexus-utils/apidocs/org/codehaus/plexus/util/xml/Xpp3DomUtils.html">Xpp3DomUtils</a>
133         *             for more information.</p>
134         * 
135         * @return Object
136         */
137        public Object getConfiguration()
138        {
139            return this.configuration;
140        } //-- Object getConfiguration()
142        /**
143         * Get whether any configuration should be propagated to child
144         * POMs. Note: While the type
145         *             of this field is <code>String</code> for
146         * technical reasons, the semantic type is actually
147         *             <code>Boolean</code>. Default value is
148         * <code>true</code>.
149         * 
150         * @return String
151         */
152        public String getInherited()
153        {
154            return this.inherited;
155        } //-- String getInherited()
157        /**
158         * 
159         * 
160         * @param key
161         * @return InputLocation
162         */
163        public InputLocation getLocation( Object key )
164        {
165            return ( locations != null ) ? locations.get( key ) : null;
166        } //-- InputLocation getLocation( Object )
168        /**
169         * Set <p>The configuration as DOM object.</p>
170         *             <p>By default, every element content is trimmed,
171         * but starting with Maven 3.1.0, you can add
172         *             <code>xml:space="preserve"</code> to elements
173         * you want to preserve whitespace.</p>
174         *             <p>You can control how child POMs inherit
175         * configuration from parent POMs by adding
176         * <code>combine.children</code>
177         *             or <code>combine.self</code> attributes to the
178         * children of the configuration element:</p>
179         *             <ul>
180         *             <li><code>combine.children</code>: available
181         * values are <code>merge</code> (default) and
182         * <code>append</code>,</li>
183         *             <li><code>combine.self</code>: available values
184         * are <code>merge</code> (default) and
185         * <code>override</code>.</li>
186         *             </ul>
187         *             <p>See <a
188         * href="http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Plugins">POM
189         * Reference documentation</a> and
190         *             <a
191         * href="http://plexus.codehaus.org/plexus-utils/apidocs/org/codehaus/plexus/util/xml/Xpp3DomUtils.html">Xpp3DomUtils</a>
192         *             for more information.</p>
193         * 
194         * @param configuration
195         */
196        public void setConfiguration( Object configuration )
197        {
198            this.configuration = configuration;
199        } //-- void setConfiguration( Object )
201        /**
202         * Set whether any configuration should be propagated to child
203         * POMs. Note: While the type
204         *             of this field is <code>String</code> for
205         * technical reasons, the semantic type is actually
206         *             <code>Boolean</code>. Default value is
207         * <code>true</code>.
208         * 
209         * @param inherited
210         */
211        public void setInherited( String inherited )
212        {
213            this.inherited = inherited;
214        } //-- void setInherited( String )
216        /**
217         * 
218         * 
219         * @param key
220         * @param location
221         */
222        public void setLocation( Object key, InputLocation location )
223        {
224            if ( location != null )
225            {
226                if ( this.locations == null )
227                {
228                    this.locations = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<Object, InputLocation>();
229                }
230                this.locations.put( key, location );
231            }
232        } //-- void setLocation( Object, InputLocation )
236        public boolean isInherited()
237        {
238            return ( inherited != null ) ? Boolean.parseBoolean( inherited ) : true;
239        }
241        public void setInherited( boolean inherited )
242        {
243            this.inherited = String.valueOf( inherited );
244        }
246        private boolean inheritanceApplied = true;
248        public void unsetInheritanceApplied()
249        {
250            this.inheritanceApplied = false;
251        }
253        public boolean isInheritanceApplied()
254        {
255            return inheritanceApplied;
256        }
259    }