Package org.apache.maven.plugin
package org.apache.maven.plugin
ClassDescriptionAbstract class to provide most of the infrastructure required to implement a
except for the execute method.
The implementation should have aMojo
annotation with the name of the goal:Base exception.Interface to allowMojos
to communicate with each othersMojos
, other than project's source root and project's attachment.
The plugin manager would pull the context out of the plugin container context, and populate it into the Mojo.Exception occurring trying to resolve a plugin.Deprecated.DefaultBuildPluginManagerDefault extension realm cache implementation.CacheKeyDefault mojo execution strategy.CacheKeyCaches raw plugin descriptors.Default PluginCache implementation.CacheKeyCaches extension class realms.CacheRecordA cache key.InvalidPluginDescriptorExceptionThrown when a plugin is not internally consistent.Helps to provide backward-compatibility with plugins that use legacy components.Provides basic services to manage Maven plugins and their mojos.MavenPluginValidatorThis interface forms the contract required forMojos
to interact with theMaven
It features anexecute()
method, which triggers the Mojo's build-process behavior, and can throw a MojoExecutionException or MojoFailureException if error conditions occur.
Also included is thesetLog(...)
method, which simply allows Maven to inject a logging mechanism which will allow the Mojo to communicate to the outside world through standard Maven channels.MojoExecutionDescribes the source of an execution.An exception occurring during the execution of a plugin.
Throwing this exception causes a "BUILD ERROR" message to be displayed.Provides context for mojo execution.An exception occurring during the execution of a plugin (such as a compilation failure).
Throwing this exception causes a "BUILD FAILURE" message to be displayed.MojoNotFoundExceptionInterface allows overriding default mojo execution strategy For example it is possible wrap some mojo execution to decorate default functionality or skip some executionsCaches plugin artifacts.CacheRecordA cache key.Exception which occurs to indicate that the plugin cannot be initialized due to some deeper problem with Plexus.Caches raw plugin descriptors.A cache key.Exception in the plugin manager.Signals a plugin which is not compatible with the current Maven runtime.Signifies a failure to load a plugin.Deprecated.Exception in the plugin manager.Exception occurring trying to resolve a plugin.PluginParameterExceptionEvaluator for plugin parameters expressions.Caches plugin class realms.CacheRecordA cache key.Exception occurring trying to resolve a plugin.