
D I M N O P Q S T V 
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DiIndexProcessor - Class in org.apache.maven.di.tool
DiIndexProcessor() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.di.tool.DiIndexProcessor


Inject - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Marks a dependency injection point for constructor, method, or field injection.


MojoExecutionScoped - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Indicates that the annotated bean has a lifespan limited to a given mojo execution, which means each mojo execution will result in a different instance being injected.


Named - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Provides a unique identifier for dependencies when multiple implementations of the same type are available.


org.apache.maven.api.di - package org.apache.maven.api.di
A dependency injection framework for Maven that provides JSR-330 style annotations for managing object lifecycle and dependencies within Maven's build process.
org.apache.maven.di.tool - package org.apache.maven.di.tool


Priority - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Specifies the priority of a bean implementation when multiple implementations of the same type are available.
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class org.apache.maven.di.tool.DiIndexProcessor
Provides - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Marks a method as a provider of beans for dependency injection.


Qualifier - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Meta-annotation that marks other annotations as qualifier annotations.


Scope - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Meta-annotation that marks other annotations as scope annotations.
SessionScoped - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Indicates that annotated component should be instantiated before session execution starts and discarded after session execution completes.
Singleton - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Denotes that a bean should be created as a singleton instance.


Typed - Annotation Interface in org.apache.maven.api.di
Explicitly specifies the types that should be used for dependency injection.


value() - Element in annotation interface org.apache.maven.api.di.Named
The name identifier for the annotated element.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.apache.maven.api.di.Priority
The priority value for the annotated element.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.apache.maven.api.di.Typed
Specifies the types that should be considered for dependency injection.
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