All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form
- aggregator(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- alias(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- artifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency.Builder
- artifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement.Builder
- Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution.Builder
- Builder(Dependency, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency.Builder
- Builder(Execution, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution.Builder
- Builder(LifecycleConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration.Builder
- Builder(Lifecycle, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle.Builder
- Builder(Phase, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- Builder(MojoDescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- Builder(Parameter, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- Builder(PluginDescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- Builder(Requirement, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement.Builder
- Builder(Resolution, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution.Builder
- configuration(XmlNode) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution.Builder
- configuration(XmlNode) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- configurator(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- defaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- Dependency - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Definition of a dependency, needed by the plugin at runtime.
- Dependency(Dependency.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - Dependency.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Builder class used to create Dependency instances.
- dependencyCollection(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- dependencyResolution(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- deprecated(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- deprecated(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- directInvocationOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- editable(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- executeGoal(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- executeLifecycle(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- executePhase(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- Execution - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
A set of goals to execute.
- Execution(Execution.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - Execution.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
Builder class used to create Execution instances.
- executionPoint(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- executions(Collection<Execution>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- expression(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- field(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution.Builder
- fieldName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement.Builder
- fullGoalName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- getAlias() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Specifies an alias which can be used to configure this parameter from the POM.
- getArtifactId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
The artifact id of the dependency.
- getArtifactId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
The artifact id of the plugin.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Configuration to pass to the goals.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Configuration to pass to all goals run in this phase.
- getConfigurator() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
The configurator type to use when injecting parameter values into this Mojo.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
The default value, as an expression that will be evaluated at injection or run-time.
- getDependencyCollection() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Flags this Mojo as requiring information about the dependencies that would make up the specified class path.
- getDependencyResolution() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Flags this Mojo as requiring the dependencies in the specified class path to be resolved before it can execute:
(since Maven 3.0) orruntime+system
(since Maven 3.0) - getDeprecated() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Description with the reason of Mojo deprecation.
- getDeprecated() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Description with the reason of parameter deprecation.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
The description of this Mojo's functionality.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
The description of this parameter's use inside the Mojo.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Description of the plugin.
- getEffectiveId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Get the effective ID of this phase, e.g.,
. - getExecuteGoal() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Reference the invocation goal of the Mojo.
- getExecuteLifecycle() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
- getExecutePhase() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Reference the invocation phase of the Mojo.
- getExecutionPoint() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
If specified, identifies this phase as a dynamic phase to decorate the specified phase id, e.g.
- getExecutions() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
The goals to execute within the phase.
- getExpression() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Parameter expression, to let user override default value with a user property, system property or project property.
- getField() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
the name of the field to be injected
- getFieldName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
The field name which has this requirement.
- getFullGoalName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
the full goal name
- getGoal() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
The goal name for the Mojo, that users will reference from the command line to execute the Mojo directly, or inside a POM in order to provide Mojo-specific configuration.
- getGoalPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
- getGoals() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
The goals to execute.
- getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
The group id of the dependency.
- getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
The group id of the plugin.
- getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
The ID of this lifecycle, for identification in the mojo descriptor.
- getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
The ID of this phase, e.g.,
. - getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
the id of the mojo, based on the goal name
- getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
- getImplementation() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
The Mojo's fully-qualified class name (or script path in the case of non-Java Mojos).
- getLanguage() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
The implementation language for this Mojo (java, beanshell, etc.).
- getLifecycles() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
- getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
- getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
- getMojos() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Description of each Mojo provided by the plugin.
- getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
The name of the parameter, to be used while configuring this parameter from the Mojo's declared defaults or from the POM.
- getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Name of the plugin.
- getNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
- getNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
- getParameters() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
- getPathScope() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
pathScope used to flatten dependencies
- getPhase() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Defines a default phase to bind a Mojo execution to if the user does not explicitly set a phase in the POM.
- getPhases() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
The phase mappings for this lifecycle.
- getPluginLookupKey() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
- getPriority() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
If specified, identifies a within phase prioritization of executions.
- getRequestType() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
, orresolve
- getRequiredJavaVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
A version range which specifies the supported Java versions.
- getRequiredMavenVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
A version range which specifies the supported Maven versions.
- getResolutions() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
- getRole() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
- getRoleHint() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
- getSince() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Specify the version when the Mojo was added to the API.
- getSince() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Specify the version when the parameter was added to the API.
- getType() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
The type of dependency.
- getType() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
The Java type for this parameter.
- getVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
The version of the dependency.
- getVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
The version of the plugin.
- goal(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- goalPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- goals(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution.Builder
- groupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency.Builder
- groupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- id(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle.Builder
- id(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- id(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- implementation(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- inheritedByDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- inheritedByDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- isAggregator() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Flags this Mojo to run it in a multi-module way, i.e.
- isDirectInvocationOnly() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Flags this Mojo to be invoked directly only.
- isEditable() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Specifies that this parameter can be configured directly by the user (as in the case of POM-specified configuration).
- isInheritedByDefault() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Specify that the Mojo is inherited.
- isInheritedByDefault() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
- isIsolatedRealm() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
- isolatedRealm(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- isOnlineRequired() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Flags this Mojo to require online mode for its operation.
- isProjectRequired() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Flags this Mojo to require running inside of a project.
- isRequired() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Whether this parameter is required for the Mojo to function.
- language(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- Lifecycle - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
A custom lifecycle mapping definition.
- Lifecycle(Lifecycle.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - Lifecycle.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
Builder class used to create Lifecycle instances.
- LifecycleConfiguration - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
Root element of the
file. - LifecycleConfiguration(LifecycleConfiguration.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - LifecycleConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
Builder class used to create LifecycleConfiguration instances.
- lifecycles(Collection<Lifecycle>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration.Builder
- modelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration.Builder
- modelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- MojoDescriptor - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
A Mojo description.
- MojoDescriptor(MojoDescriptor.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - MojoDescriptor.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Builder class used to create MojoDescriptor instances.
- mojos(Collection<MojoDescriptor>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- namespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration.Builder
- namespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
builder instance. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
builder instance using default values or not. - newBuilder(Dependency) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Dependency, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Execution) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Execution, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Lifecycle) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(LifecycleConfiguration) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(LifecycleConfiguration, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Lifecycle, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Phase) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Phase, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(MojoDescriptor) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(MojoDescriptor, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Parameter) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Parameter, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(PluginDescriptor) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(PluginDescriptor, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Requirement) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Requirement, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Resolution) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newBuilder(Resolution, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
builder instance using the specified object as a basis. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
instance. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
instance using default values or not. - newInstance(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
instance using default values or not.
- onlineRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- org.apache.maven.api.plugin.annotations - package org.apache.maven.api.plugin.annotations
Provides annotations for Maven plugin development, including mojo configuration, parameter definitions, and lifecycle bindings.
- org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor - package org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Provides classes for Maven plugin descriptors that define plugin metadata, configuration, and execution parameters.
- org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle - package org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
Contains classes for managing plugin-specific lifecycle bindings and forked executions.
- Parameter - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
A parameter description.
- Parameter(Parameter.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - Parameter.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Builder class used to create Parameter instances.
- parameters(Collection<Parameter>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- pathScope(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution.Builder
- phase(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- Phase - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
A phase mapping definition.
- Phase(Phase.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - Phase.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle
Builder class used to create Phase instances.
- phases(Collection<Phase>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle.Builder
- PluginDescriptor - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Root element of the
file. - PluginDescriptor(PluginDescriptor.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - PluginDescriptor.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Builder class used to create PluginDescriptor instances.
- priority(int) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase.Builder
- projectRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- requestType(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution.Builder
- required(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- requiredJavaVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- requiredMavenVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- Requirement - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Describes a component requirement.
- Requirement(Requirement.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - Requirement.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Builder class used to create Requirement instances.
- Resolution - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Dependency collection or resolution injection.
- Resolution(Resolution.Builder) - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Constructor for this class, to be called from its subclasses and
. - Resolution.Builder - Class in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor
Builder class used to create Resolution instances.
- resolutions(Collection<Resolution>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- role(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement.Builder
- roleHint(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement.Builder
- since(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor.Builder
- since(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- type(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency.Builder
- type(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter.Builder
- version(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency.Builder
- version(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor.Builder
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- with() - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new builder with this object as the basis.
- withAggregator(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified aggregator. - withAlias(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified alias. - withArtifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
instance using the specified artifactId. - withArtifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified artifactId. - withConfiguration(XmlNode) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
instance using the specified configuration. - withConfiguration(XmlNode) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
instance using the specified configuration. - withConfigurator(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified configurator. - withDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified defaultValue. - withDependencyCollection(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified dependencyCollection. - withDependencyResolution(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified dependencyResolution. - withDeprecated(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified deprecated. - withDeprecated(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified deprecated. - withDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified description. - withDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified description. - withDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified description. - withDirectInvocationOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified directInvocationOnly. - withEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified editable. - withExecuteGoal(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified executeGoal. - withExecuteLifecycle(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified executeLifecycle. - withExecutePhase(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified executePhase. - withExecutionPoint(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
instance using the specified executionPoint. - withExecutions(Collection<Execution>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
instance using the specified executions. - withExpression(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified expression. - withField(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
instance using the specified field. - withFieldName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
instance using the specified fieldName. - withFullGoalName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified fullGoalName. - withGoal(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified goal. - withGoalPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified goalPrefix. - withGoals(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Execution
Creates a new
instance using the specified goals. - withGroupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
instance using the specified groupId. - withGroupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified groupId. - withId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
instance using the specified id. - withId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
instance using the specified id. - withId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified id. - withImplementation(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified implementation. - withInheritedByDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified inheritedByDefault. - withInheritedByDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified inheritedByDefault. - withIsolatedRealm(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified isolatedRealm. - withLanguage(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified language. - withLifecycles(Collection<Lifecycle>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.LifecycleConfiguration
Creates a new
instance using the specified lifecycles. - withMojos(Collection<MojoDescriptor>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified mojos. - withName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified name. - withName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified name. - withOnlineRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified onlineRequired. - withParameters(Collection<Parameter>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified parameters. - withPathScope(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
instance using the specified pathScope. - withPhase(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified phase. - withPhases(Collection<Phase>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Creates a new
instance using the specified phases. - withPriority(int) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.lifecycle.Phase
Creates a new
instance using the specified priority. - withProjectRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified projectRequired. - withRequestType(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Resolution
Creates a new
instance using the specified requestType. - withRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified required. - withRequiredJavaVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified requiredJavaVersion. - withRequiredMavenVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified requiredMavenVersion. - withResolutions(Collection<Resolution>) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified resolutions. - withRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
instance using the specified role. - withRoleHint(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Requirement
Creates a new
instance using the specified roleHint. - withSince(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified since. - withSince(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified since. - withType(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
instance using the specified type. - withType(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Parameter
Creates a new
instance using the specified type. - withVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.Dependency
Creates a new
instance using the specified version. - withVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.api.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor
Creates a new
instance using the specified version.
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