Class DefaultProfileInjector

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Named @Singleton public class DefaultProfileInjector extends Object implements ProfileInjector
Handles profile injection into the model.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultProfileInjector

      public DefaultProfileInjector()
  • Method Details

    • injectProfiles

      public Model injectProfiles(Model model, List<Profile> profiles, ModelBuilderRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileInjector
      Merges values from the specified profile into the given model. Implementations are expected to keep the profile and model completely decoupled by injecting deep copies rather than the original objects from the profile.
      Specified by:
      injectProfiles in interface ProfileInjector
      model - The model into which to merge the values defined by the profile, must not be null.
      profiles - The (read-only) list of profiles whose values should be injected, must not be null.
      request - The model building request that holds further settings, must not be null.
      problems - The container used to collect problems that were encountered, must not be null.